John Michael Wine

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Title: The Etymological New Testament – ENT • [By] John Michael Wine
Date: ⓒ 2011 by John Michael Wine
Publisher: (North Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A.): (CreateSpace Independent Publishers)
Contents: The New Testament. – Introduction – Notes on Matthew 1 to 3 – A Special Note to the Reader.
References: Taliaferro-EELBV 9590.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Softcover small quarto, adhesive binding. 350 pp. Scripture text in single column, paragraph - wise; chapter– and verse numbering; no extras. Wise writes in his 3- paged introduction:
»The Etymological New Testament (ENT) is a Greek based translation that uses the original American Standard Version (1901) as its English framework. The English etymologies are derived from various lexicons, (e.g. Bauer, Kittel, Friberg, Barclay–Neuman, Dictionary of NT Theology and Louw–Nida, but often from the Concordant Publishing Concern's Lexikon and Concordance. Yes, the ENT is sometimes difficult to read as a stand alone translation, but that is its joy. That one might wish to have another New Testament open to follow the ENT is a testimony to some of its ultra literal translations. May you find some thought provoking passages!«

In a "Personal Note" Wine confesses: »I have striven to be faithful to the text, but one's life experience certainly makes itself felt during the translation process. As a member of an unprogrammed Friends Meeting, I work to be true to the historic Quaker testimonies. (…)«
As to the translation, the canon is brought in its traditional order. The longer Mark- ending 16:9–20 is put in square brackets. The story of the woman "down–gotten in adultery" bears this remark: »Some manuscripts contain John 7:53 – 8:11«. – Enough of the original ASV's Elizabethan English has been retained to provide some beautiful "biblical English" phrases, like "thee", "thy", "whence" etc.
The reader / learner will be asked to get used to some unusual, to say the least, word conceptions: Holy Wind, upward stand (cross), placer (for the Greek THEOS, God), placer with us (for Immanuel), to give only a few instances of this quite unorthodox translation.


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