Title The / New Testament / Of our Saviour / Jesus Christ, / According to the / Antient Latin Edition. / With / Critical Remarks upon the literal Meaning in / difficult Places. / From the French of Father Simon. / by William Webster, / Curate of St. Dunstan's in the West. / In Two Volumes. / Vol. I. / London: / Printed for John Pemberton, in Fleet-street; And / Charles Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-yard. / M.DCC.XXX.
Date 1730
Publisher John Pemberton & Charles Rivington, London
Contents A translation by Anglican divine William Webster (1689-1758) into English of the Latin Vulgate and of annotations made by Richard Simon (1638-1712) to his French Version.
References HERBERT 1008, COTTON 227, CHAMBERLIN 536, Taliaferro-EELBV 7140
Images: Title page
Comments In his Preface Webster acknowledges the value of the Catholic Simon's annotations and states the need for a conforming Vulgate translation into English to bring out Simon's meaning.