Daniel Whitby

Title: A Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament. In Two Volumes. The First, containing the Four Gospels, and the Acts of the Holy Apostles. The Second, All the Epistles; with a Discourse on the Millennium. Vol. 1. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. The Fifth Edition.
Date: First Edition: 1703 (Fifth Edition: 1727)
Publisher: Fifth Edition: Printed for A. Bettesworth, W. Mears, W. and J. Innys, J. Batley, A. Ward, T. Ward, J. Clarke, F. Jackson, and S. Billingsley: London
Contents: New Testament (minus Revelation)
References: Chamberlin 536-2, Taliaferro-EELBV 7115.
Images: Title page (from 5th Edition - 1727)


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