Title: Euangelium Secundum Mattheum The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon Edited From the Manuscripts by James Wilson Bright, Ph.D.
Language: West-Saxon
Date: 1904
Publisher: D.C. Heath and Co., Publishers: Boston
Contents: Matthew
References: Chamberlin see 674-9 and 684-1
Images: Cover, Title page
Facsimile A PDF facsimile of the 1910 edition is available at
Title: Euangelium Secundum Marcum The Gospel of Saint Mark in West-Saxon Edited From the Manuscripts by James Wilson Bright, Ph.D.
Language: West-Saxon
Date: 1905
Publisher: D.C. Heath and Co., Publishers: Boston
Contents: Mark
References: Chamberlin see 674-9 and 684-1
Images: Cover, Title page
Facsimile: A PDF facsimile of the 1905 edition is avaialble at
Title: Euangelium Secundum Lucam The Gospel of Saint Luke in West-Saxon Edited From the Manuscripts by James Wilson Bright, Ph.D.
Language: West-Saxon
Date: 1906 (First edition 1893)
Publisher: D.C. Heath and Co., Publishers: Boston
Contents: Luke
References: Chamberlin 674-9
Images: Cover, Title page
Title: Euangelium Secundum Iohannen The Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon Edited From the Manuscripts with Introduction and Notes by James Wilson Bright, Ph.D. … With a Glossary by Lancelot Minor Harris, Ph.D.
Language: West-Saxon
Date: 1904 (another edition was published in 1906)
Publisher: D.C. Heath and Co., Publishers: Boston
Contents: John
References: Chamberlin p. 684-1
Images: 1904 Cover, 1904 Title, 1906 Cover, 1906 Title page
Facsimile: A PDF facsimile of the 1904 edition is available at