Western Apache New Testament
Title: Bik'Ehgo'Ihi'Nań Biyati' The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Western Apache / English
Date: 1979
Publisher: American Bible Society: New York
Contents: New Testament in Western Apache and English (King James Version)
References: Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 44.
Images: Cover, Title page
Translation History
1958 John, James, 1 John Missionary Crusader, Lubbock, Texas
1966 New Testament American Bible Society, New York
Translated into the San Carlos and White Mountain Apache dialects by Faye Edgerton and Faith Hill, Wycliffe Bible Translators, and by Celena Perry, Britton Goods, Johnson Ethelbah, and Happy Moses, Apache Indians.
— From The Book of a Thousand Tongues entry 44.
page revision: 5, last edited: 04 Oct 2013 01:54