The first Welsh Bible was the work of Bishop William Morgan and was published in 1588. A revision of Morgan's work was completed by Bishop Richard Parry and Dr John Davies and published in 1620. This was the standard Welsh Bible until the 20th century.
William Morgan Translation - 1588
Title: Y BEIBL CYS-/ SEGRLAN, SEF / YR HEN DESTA- / MENR, AR NEWYDD. / Imprinted at London by the Deputies of / Christopher Barker / Printer to the Queenes most excel- /lent Maiestie. / 1588
Date: 1588
Publisher: Christopher Barker: London
Language: Welsh
Contents: Bible
Images: Title page, New Testament Title page (images are links to the National Library of Wales)
Comments: The complete 1588 Welsh Bible is available as scanned images online at the National Library of Wales.
BFBS Edition from 1836
Title: Y Bibl Cyssegr-Lan; sef Yr Hen Destament a'r Newydd. Caer Grawnt: Ystrydebwyd Ac Agrraffwyd Gan Ioan Smith, Argraffydd i'r Brifathrofa. Tros Gymdeithas Biblau Saesoneg Ac Ieitheodd Eraill. Cum Privilegio. M.DCCC.XXXVI.
Date: 1836
Publisher:Caer Grawnt
Language: Welsh
Contents: Bible
First American Edition - 1858
The first complete Welsh Bible to be printed in the United States was published by the American Bible Society in 1858. A second edition was published in 1859.
Title: Y Bibl Cyssegr-Lan, sef Yr Hen Destament a'r Newydd.
Date: 1859
Publisher: Caerefrog Newydd: Bibl Gymdeithas Americanaidd (New York: American Bible Society)
Language: Welsh
Contents: Bible
Images: Title page
Comments: A copy of the 1858 edition is available at the Huntington Library (
Modern Printing of Welsh New Testament
Title: Y Testament Newydd
Date: 1975
Publisher: British and Foreign Bible Society
Contents: New Testament (Welsh)
Language: Welsh
Images: Jacket, Title page
Welsh Translation of Wesley's New Testament
John Wesley's commentary on the New Testament was first translated into Welsh and published in 1825. The translators were the Revs. Hugh Hughes and John Williams 2nd, Wesleyan ministers. It was issued in twenty shilling parts. Another translation was made by Rowland Hughes, Wesleyan minister, and published in a small 8vo. volume in 1850. (From The Bible in Wales A Study in the History of the Welsh People, with an Introductory Address and a Bibliography published by Henry Sotheram & Co.: London, 1906, by John Ballinger. Available here)
Title: Esboniad ar y Testament Newydd; gan y Parch. John Wesley, M.A. Gynt Cymrawd o Goleg Lincoln, Rhydychain. Wedi ei Cyfiethu Gan y Parch. Rowland Hughes.
Date: Ballinger gives a date of 1850 for the first edition, but his description does not match this volume. He does not list any later editions, but it is possible that another edition was printed later. The only clue to the date of this edition is an inscription dated 1891.
Publisher: H. Humphreys: Caernarfon
Contents: Wesley's New Testament in Welsh
Images: Spine, Title page.