Arthur S. Way

For sample verses from the translation by Arthur S. Way, click here

Arthur Sanders Way {* Dorking, Surrey, England (U.K.) 13 Feb. 1847 † 25 Sep. 1930 Ventnor, Isle of Wight (U.K.)}, was a classical scholar, translator and headmaster of Wesley College, Melbourne, Australia.



Title: The Letters of St. Paul to Seven Churches and Three Friends with the Letter to the Hebrews. Translated by Arthur S. Way, M. A.
Date: This Edition 1950. Reprinted 1951
(First published in England by Macmillan & Co. in 1901; 2nd, enlarged ed. 1906. Six subsequent editions published by Macmillan & Co. 1903 to 1935. New edition 1950 by Marshall, Morgan & Scott.)
Publisher: London, England (U.K.): Marshall, Morgan and Scott
Contents: Preface to the 8th edition. - General 8 pp preface. - Chronology of the life and letters of St. Paul. - General remarks. - Epistles in their order: 2 Thessalonians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Romans, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians, 1st Timotheus, Titus, 2nd Timotheus, Hebrews.
References: Chamberlin 712-2; Herbert 2111
Location: Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Images: Jacket, Spine, Title page
Comment: For the 1951 reprint: Clothboard with dust jacket; small octavo, sewn binding. XVI & 228 pp. In the preface (to the 8th ed.) it is stated that some 500 changes were being made for the 2nd ed. of 1906 and the Letter to the Hebrews was added.

In the [general] eight pp preface A. S. Way writes that praise of the dignity and the beauty of the Authorized Version and the charm of its rhythm cannot be denied, but that it cannot longer do justice to the meaning of the original and to its assignments in many parts of the Epistles. In respect to the (English) R.V. he says: »The Revised version, being a revision, as the name implies, was made under certain restrictions, resulting in same advantages and some disadvantaged over the A.V. Against the advantages must be set one serious disadvantage (…).«
All Epistles are introduced. The Scripture text itself is set in running print (except poetic passages), but, as a major disadvantage, there's no verse numbering except on top of page. Few remarks to the text are shown in footnotes; some, but not all, citations from the Old Testament are printed in CAPITAL letters and identified as such.



Title: The Psalms. A Verse Translation. By Arthur S. Way, D. Lit.
Date: First Edition, 1929
Publisher: London, England (U.K.): The Epworth Press / J. Alfred Sharp
Contents: Preface (undated). Psalms Books I to V.
References: Chamberlin 331-1.
Images: Spine, Title page
Location: Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover, small octavo, 248 pp. with sewn binding. Scripture Text in paragraphs. Chapter numberings in Roman figures but no verses indicated. Psalm headings not translated.

In the brief undated Preface Arthur S. Way writes: »In the preparation of this work I have used jointly the Revised Version and that made from the Masoretic Text by Jewish scholars in 1917. (…) In a few instances I have adopted one which gives a quite different sense from the R.V. or the A.V., e.g in Psalm CXVIII:27. For the few cases in which I have inserted introductory explanations I am indebted to suggestions from the late Dr. R. G. Moulton‘s ´Modern Reader‘s Bible`, to which I acknowledge my obligations.«

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From left: ❶ Psalms and Epistles by A. S. Way


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