Click here for sample verses from the Apostolic Bible Polyglot by Charles L. Van der Pool
Title: The Apostolic Bible Polyglot • Η ΠΑΛΑΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΙΝΗ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ* • “ABP“ [by] Charles L. Van der Pool
Alpha Version • A numerically coded Greek–English Interlinear Bible, English–Greek Index, and Lexical Concordance
Date: 1996, Second Edition 2013
Publisher: Newport OR (U.S.A.) ⓒ The Apostolic Press
Language: Greek and English
Images: Spine of book with sealed bag; title
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum ( Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Contents: OT in the Hebrew, NT in the traditional canon (as in the Authorized Version); Ps 151 not included. Lexical Concordance • English–Greek Index • Analytical Lexikon. Scripture texts in double column, translation beneath Greek text; keyed to a modified Strong´s numbering system. Word explanations, variant readings , cross references in footnotes.
Comment: Leather bound octavo, XIV, (4), 1240 (OT); (2), 374 (NT); 364 & [22 empty] (Index, Concordance etc.) pp. Book comes in a sealed burlap–bag with “Βιβλος“–imprint.
»The ABP is an English translation with a Greek interlinear gloss and is keyed to a concordance. The numbering system, called "AB-Strong's", is a modified version of Strong's concordance, which was designed only to handle the traditional Hebrew Masoretic Text of the Old Testament, and the Greek text of the New Testament.«
»The Greek used is an eclectic text formed originally from the Vaticanus-Sixtine text family, with selections from the Aldine text and Complutensian Polyglot variants (following the 1709 OT edition of Lambert Bos). It follows the Hebrew canon and does NOT include the Deuterocanonical (=Apocryphal) Books.«
This Polyglot is introduced by the Editor–in-Chief on nine pages, two of them deal with the second edition, to which minor changes have been made. Van der Pool writes in the "Statement“
»The Apostolic Bible Polyglot English translation must not be considered as set in stone. As mentioned earlier different translators can choose different words for the Greek. The English words chosen by this translator are powerfully considered and offered to the reader. The translation was done by one person, rather than a group of individuals. In the opinion of this translator a continuity of the English words is attained when one individual is doing the translating of the whole, as compared to a group of individuals in which each may be translating only one book of the Bible. (…)«
Note: This book is an excellent tool for all Septuagint–readers and students. It has the quality of a study Bible. —— The New Testament Greek text is not that of the Byzantine text family, but some readings thereof are shown in the footnotes.
- *The Greek in the Title translates: ´The Old and New Covenant`