Click here for sample verses from the P. Vallentine Pentateuch
Pentateuch, 2nd Revised Edition, 1867
Hebrew Title:
חמשה חומשי תורה עם** ההפטרות מסודרות בסיף כל פרשה ופרשה**
עם תרגוםבלשון אינגליש
התפלות לשבתות עםהיוצרות מראשית השנהוועד אחרית שנה
**כרך א’ **ספר בראשית
English Title: The Pentateuch, Haphtorahs, and Prayers for the Sabbath: / comprising the afternoon service for the eve of Sabbath; inauguration and / evening service; morning and afternoon service. / To which is added / tables shewing the time of commencing Sabbath, and the dates on / which the portions of the Pentateuch and Haphtorahs / are read for the ensuing twenty years. /
Vol. I – Genesis. Second Edition, carefully Revised and corrected
Date: [First edition 1858] 2nd revised & corr. ed. 5628 – 1867
Publisher: London, England (U.K.): Printed & published by P. Vallentine
Contents: Book of Genesis w/ Haphtaroth. – 43 chs. of Psalms • Proverbs 31 • I Chr. 16 & 29 • Neh. 9. – Prayers etc. (see above). Index to Vol. I; Preface (4 pp)
Language: Hebrew and English
Images: (to follow)
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover small octavo, sewn binding; Genesis: XII & 185 double pp. – Prayer Book: (2), 31 double–, 124 (87 of which are double) & 14 double pp. Masorah and Tefillah texts on right, translation on left side of double page. Scripture texts in single column, no extras. The Psalm headings in the Prayer–Book part are translated.
The (anonymously written) Preface, dated Tishri 5628 – 1867, informs,
»The translation has been executed by an able pen, and may be presented, with confidence, to the English reader. The Hebrew text and punctuation have received a specially careful attention. (…) The Publisher believes that no other work of this description has attained a second edition in so brief a period, and he feels extremely grateful to the Jewish community for the warm encouragement and kindly support which he has already received, with regard to the previous edition of this work.«
Haphtara texts for Genesis are taken from I Sam • I & II Kings • Isaiah • Ezekiel • Hosea • Amos • Obadiah (complete) • Zechariah • Malachi.
The Prayer Book Scripture texts in detail (same in all 5 Vols.):
Pss 19 • 29 • 33 • 34 • 90 to 93 • 95 to 99 • 104 • 113 to 118 • 120 to 136 • 145 to 150 • Prov. 31:10 f • I Chr. 16:8-37 & 29:10-13 • Neh. 9:5-12.
Note: The Publisher‘s name appears also in the Hebrew subtitle, but not with his civil first name „P.“, but with his Hebrew name, יוסף יהושע בר יצחק ואללאינטיין, transcribed Yoseph Yehoshua bar Yitzchak Vallentine, provided Y. Y. Y. (or, Joseph Joshua ben Isaac) and P. Vallentine are one and the same person. Not clear is which "able pen" was responsible for the translation; this question of authorship needs clarification. Further details from expert readers are highly welcome!
The term "Haphtorah" in the title is incorrect, as two contemporary bibliographers, Moritz Steinschneider and Julius Benzian already had noted and provided with a (sic!); it should read "Haphtaroth".
Hebrew Title:
חמשה חומשי תורה עם** ההפטרות מסודרות בסיף כל פרשה ופרשה**
עם תרגוםבלשון אינגליש
התפלות לשבתות עםהיוצרות מראשית השנהוועד אחרית שנהת
כרך ב’ ספר שמות
English Title: The Pentateuch, Haphtoras, and Prayers for the Sabbath: / comprising the afternoon service for the eve of Sabbath; inauguration and / evening service; morning and afternoon service. / To which is added / tables shewing the time of commencing Sabbath, and the dates on / which the portions of the Pentateuch and Haphtorahs / are read for the ensuing twenty years. /
Vol. II – Exodus. Second Edition, carefully Revised and corrected
Date: [First edition 1858] 2nd revised & corr. ed. 5628 – 1867
Publisher: London, England (U.K.): Printed & published by P. Vallentine
Contents: Book of Exodus, Haphtaroth. – 43 chs of Psalms • Proverbs 31 • I Chr. 16 & 29 • Neh. 9. – Prayers etc. (see above). Index to Vol. II.
Language: Hebrew and English
Images: (to follow)
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover small octavo, sewn binding; Exodus: (12) & 174 double pp. – Prayerbook: (2), 31 double–, 124 (87 of which are double) & 14 double pp. Masorah and Tefillah texts on right, translation on left side of double page. Scripture texts in single column, no extras. The Psalm headings in the Prayer–Book part are translated.
There‘s no Preface written for this second volume.
Haftarah texts vor Exodus are taken from Judges • I Sam. • I & II Kings • Isaiah • Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
Hebrew Title:
חמשה חומשי תורה עם** ההפטרות מסודרות בסיף כל פרשה ופרשה**
עם תרגוםבלשון אינגליש
התפלות לשבתות עםהיוצרות מראשית השנהוועד אחרית שנהת
כרך ג’ ספר ויקרא
English Title: The Pentateuch, Haphtoras, and Prayers for the Sabbath: / comprising the afternoon service for the eve of Sabbath; inauguration and / evening service; morning and afternoon service. / To which is added / tables shewing the time of commencing Sabbath, and the dates on / which the portions of the Pentateuch and Haphtorahs / are read for the ensuing twenty years. /
Vol. III. – Leviticus. Second Edition, carefully Revised and corrected
Date: [First edition 1858] 2nd revised & corr. ed. 5628 – 1867
Publisher: London, England (U.K.): Printed & published by P. Vallentine
Contents: Book of Leviticus w/ Haphtaroth. – 43 chs of Psalms • Proverbs 31 • I Chr. 16 & 29 • Neh. 9. – Prayers etc. (see above), and "The Ethics of the Fathers" (Pirkei Avoth פרקי אבות). Index to Vol. III.
Language: Hebrew and English
Images: (to follow)
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover small octavo, sewn binding; Leviticus: (12) & 135 double pp. – Prayerbook: (2), 31 double–, 218 (87 of which are double), 9 double, XIV double & 29 double pp. Masorah and Tefillah texts on right, translation on left side of double page. Scripture texts in single column, no extras. The Psalm headings in the Prayer–Book part are translated.
There‘s no Preface written for this third volume.
Additionally to the Prayer Book texts the Mishna tract "Ethics of the Fathers" (Pirkei Avoth פרקי אבות), from the Talmud Bavli (Tb) is printed.
The Haphtara texts for Leviticus are taken from:
I & II Samuel • II Kings • Isaiah • Jeremiah • Ezekiel • Amos and Malachi.
Hebrew Title:
חמשה חומשי תורה עם** ההפטרות מסודרות בסיף כל פרשה ופרשה**
עם תרגוםבלשון אינגליש
התפלות לשבתות עםהיוצרות מראשית השנהוועד אחרית שנהת
כרך ד’ ספר במדבר
English Title: The Pentateuch, Haphtoras, and Prayers for the Sabbath: / comprising the afternoon service for the eve of Sabbath; inauguration and / evening service; morning and afternoon service. / To which is added / tables shewing the time of commencing Sabbath, and the dates on / which the portions of the Pentateuch and Haphtorahs / are read for the ensuing twenty years. /
Vol. IV. – Numbers. Second Edition, carefully Revised and corrected
Date: [First edition 1858] 2nd revised & corr. ed. 5628 – 1867
Publisher: London, England (U.K.): Printed & published by P. Vallentine
Contents: Book of Numbers w/ Haphtaroth. – 43 chs of Psalms • Proverbs 31 • I Chr. 16 & 29 • Neh. 9. – Prayers etc. (see above). Index to Vol. IV.
Language: Hebrew and English
Images: (to follow)
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover small octavo, sewn binding; Numbers: (10) & 152 double pp. – Prayerbook: (4), 31 double–, 133 (87 of which are double), & 29 double pp. Masorah and Tefillah texts on right, translation on left side of double page. Scripture texts in single column, no extras. The Psalm headings in the Prayer–Book part are translated.
There‘s no Preface written for this fourth volume.
The Haphtara texts for Numbers are taken from:
Joshua • Judges • I Samuel • I Kings • Isaiah • Jeremiah • Hosea • Micah and Zechariah.
Hebrew Title:
חמשה חומשי תורה עם** ההפטרות מסודרות בסיף כל פרשה ופרשה**
עם תרגוםבלשון אינגליש
התפלות לשבתות עםהיוצרות מראשית השנהוועד אחרית שנהת
כרך ה’ ספר אלה הדברים
English Title: The Pentateuch, Haphtoras, and Prayers for the Sabbath: / comprising the afternoon service for the eve of Sabbath; inauguration and / evening service; morning and afternoon service. / To which is added / tables shewing the time of commencing Sabbath, and the dates on / which the portions of the Pentateuch and Haphtorahs / are read for the ensuing twenty years. /
Vol. V. – Deuteronomy. Second Edition, carefully Revised and corrected
Date: [First edition 1858] 2nd revised & corr. ed. 5628 – 1867
Publisher: London, England (U.K.): Printed & published by P. Vallentine
Contents: Book of Deuteronomy w/ Haphtaroth. – 30 chs of Psalms • Proverbs 31 • I Chr. 16 & 29 • Neh. 9. – Prayers etc. (see above), and "The Ethics of the Fathers" (Pirkei Avoth פרקי אבות). – Index to Vol. V.
Language: Hebrew and English
Images: (to follow)
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover small octavo, sewn binding; Deutronomy: (10) & 142 double pp. – Prayerbook: (4), 31 double–, 133 (87 of which are double), & 29 double pp. Masorah and Tefillah texts on right, translation on left side of double page. Scripture texts in single column, no extras. The Psalm headings in the Prayer–Book part are translated.
There‘s no Preface written for this fifth volume.
The Haphtara texts for Deuteronomy are taken from:
Joshua • I Samuel • I Kings • Isaiah • Hosea • Joel and Micah.
Below a photo of all five volumes, 2nd edition; it is not clear whether or not they had been rebound.