A. B. Traina

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Click here for sample verses from the Holy Name Bible revised by A.B. Traina.

Sacred Name New Testament

1950 Edition


Title: The New Testament of Our Messiah and Saviour Yahshua Sacred Name Version Critically compared with ancient authorities and divers manuscripts.
Date: 1950
Publisher: The Scripture Research Association, Inc.: Irvington, NJ
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin 582-2; Hills 2495, Herbert 2300, Taliaferro-BVE CN00326, Taliaferro-EELBV 8025.100
Images: Cover, Title page

1976 Edition


Title: The New Testament of Our Messiah and Saviour Yahshua Sacred Name Version Critically compared with ancient authorities and divers manuscripts.
Date: 1950
Publisher: The Scripture Research Association, Inc.: Brandywine, Maryland
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin see 582-2; Hills see 2495, Herbert see 2300, Taliaferro-BVE see CN00326, Taliaferro-EELBV see 8025.100
Images: Cover, Title page

Holy Name Bible - 1963


Title: The Holy Name Bible containing the Holy Name Version of the Old and New Testaments Critically compared with ancient authorities and various manuscripts. Revised by A.B. Traina
Date: 1963
Publisher: The Scripture Research Association, Inc.: Irvington, NJ
Contents: Bible
References: Chamberlin 46-1; Herbert see 2300, Taliaferro-BVE CN00326, Taliaferro-EELBV 8025.110.
Images: Cover, Title Page


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