Title: Das Neue Testament in der Übersetzung Martin Luthers ■ der Zürcher Bibel ■ Fritz Tillmanns ■ und der New English Bible / Festgabe im 150. Jahr der Evangelischen Haupt- Bibelgesellschaft zu Berlin
Date: 1964 (for the Berlin edition) / © 1967 for the Stuttgart edition (by licence- agreement)
Publisher: Berlin (German Democr. Rep.): Evangelische Haupt- Bibelgesellschaft EHBG; Stuttgart: Privilegierte Württembergische Bibelanstalt
Contents: New Testament in 4 translations: Martin Luther: revised Text 1956 (Protestant); Zürcher Bibel: revised text 1931 (Swiss Reformed); Fritz Tillmann (1927), revised by Werner Becker 1952 (Roman Catholic); New English Bible 1961 (Church of England)
Language: M. Luther: German; Zürcher: German; Tillmann/ Becker: German; New English Bible: English
Images: Cover, Back Cover, Title page, Cover - Stuttgart edition
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv- Birnbaum, Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: A parallel New Testament, presenting in four columns the translation of the above mentioned editions. It has been published to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Principal Bible Society of Berlin (then German Democratic Republic). The sequence of the texts is not the one used by M. Luther but the one used by the other three publications. Luther's translation appeared in it's original form in 1522 and has been revised several times since, latest in 1984. The Zürcher NT, also called »Zwingli- Bibel«〔after the Swiss reformer Huldreych Zwingli (1484-1531)〕was first edited in High- German in 1667 and also revised several times, the newest revision was completed in 2007. The Roman Catholic translation was done by Fritz Tillmann (1874-1953), first edited in 1927, revised by Werner Becker in 1952 and a final update was published in 1962. The New English Bible (Church of England) is printed here in it's first form of 1961 (© by Oxford UP and Cambridge UP).
The Berlin edition is made hardbound in large octavo, 1216 pp. The Luther and Zürcher texts are on the left- hand, the Tillmann and NEB texts on the right- hand page. Printed is the plain text without additions except paragraph headings (when given).
In 1967 both the Protestant Bible Society in Stuttgart and the Catholic Bible Society, also in Stuttgart, obtained the printing rights under licence agreement.