Click here for sample verses from the version by James D. Tabor.
Title: Transparent English Version ✦ TEV by Editor James Tabor. The Book of Genesis. A Preliminary Edition with Notes
Date: 2002
Publisher: Pasadena, CA (U.S.A.): The Original Bible Project
Contents: Book of Genesis (Bere´sheet)
Images: Cover, Title page, Introduction
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv-Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden, Germany
Comments: This Genesis is a “Translation Sample“ of the first published part of the TEV. It comes in a manuscript folder in letter- format. XVIII & 126 pp. The Original Bible Project (OBP) / Transparent English Version (TEV) concept ranks the translations decidedly on the “literal“ side of the spectrum; the basic idea of transparency is that one should be able to “peer through“ the English translation, and, to whatever extend possible, see, hear and even feel, the dynamics of the original text. - Several pages are dedicated to this translation »concept«, four more pages discuss »Special features of the Hebrew Bible«. The Hebrew names of the Eternal are retained and capitalized in print, like ELOHIM, YHVH, EL SHADDAI etc.; all Hebrew terms are translated in the footnotes as are difficult passages and alternate readings. The editor, Prof. James Tabor, introduces himself at the end of this manuscript print.- As far as could be found out, this “Genesis“ is the only part of the TEV published until mid 2013.
Presentation: There‘s an internet pdf about this TEV: - About the project itself see