Click here for sample verses from the version by David Smith.
Title: Letters of St. Paul By the Rev. David Smith, M.A., D.D. / New Edition/ Edited by M[ildred] Wyatt Rawson
Date: No year given. (1942) [Extracted from the book with the original title: The Life and Letters of St. Paul. London: Hodder & Stoughton, c. 1920]
Publisher: London, England (U.K.): Charles Higham & Son
Contents: Paul's Epistles (without Hebrews). Editor's Introduction. Letters are placed in the order that the journeys of Paul indicate.
Images: Cover, Introduction.
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv- Birnbaum, Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Paperback small- 8°, 108 pp. Letters to Corinth subdivided into four parts. Doesn't include the letter to the Hebrews. Chapter and verse numbering given, cross references in the margin.