Title: The Gospel According to Matthew, Faithfully Rendered into English from a Revised Greek Text: with notes, by Lancelot Shadwell, Esq. Late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge
Date: 1859
Publisher: London: printed for the proprietor by Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co.
Contentes: Matthew
References: Chamberlin 626-5
Images: Title page (from the online facsimile).
Facsimile: A pdf facsimile is available at books.google.com.
Title: The Gospels of Matthew, and Mark, Newly Rendered into English with Notes on the Greek Text: by Lancelot Shadwell, Esq. Late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge
Date: 1861
Publisher: London: Walker & Co.
Contentes: Matthew & Mark
References: Chamberlin 626-5
Images: Title page (from the online facsimile).
Facsimile: A pdf facsimile is available at books.google.com.