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Title: Tehillim ✡ ספר תהלים / The ArtScrollⓇ Series • The Schottenstein Edition
The Book of Psalms with an Interlinear Translation
“Tehillim Simchas Yehoshua ✡ שמחת יהושע / The ArtScroll Interlinear Tehillim – Psalms“ / Edited by Rabbi Menachem Davis /
Contributing Editors: Rabbi Hillel Danziger, Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer, Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz. Designed by Rabbi Sheah Brander
Date: First Edition: Nine impressions … June 2001 – May 2011. Second Edition: Two impressions … February 2013 – July 2014.
Publisher: Brooklyn N.Y. (U.S.A.): Mesorah Publications
Contents: Tehillim 1 to 150 with annotations. – Dedication; Publisher‘s Preface; Editor‘s Foreword: Notes about Text and Commentary, The Interlinear Translation; Alphabetical Index; Weekly and monthly completion of Tehillim; Sabbath Psalms; Psalms for special occasions; Psalms for special days; Prayer before reciting Tehillim. The names of God. -– Additional Prayers and Appendices: Prayer after reciting Tehillim; Prayer for the sick; Kel malei rachamim; Acheinu; Mesorah of kri and ksiv.
Language: Hebrew with interlinear English translation
Images: (to follow)
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover octavo with sewn binding; XXIV & 432 pp. Masorah (kri) and English translation interlinear. The commentary, beneath text, is taken from “The Artscroll Tehillim“ (1988) by Hillel Danziger. The Publisher‘s Preface, signed by Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz and Rabbi Nosson Scherman, is dated Sivan 5761 / June 2001, Brooklyn, N.Y.; they let the reader know:
»A look at a typical page of this book provides the answer. Even someone fluent in Hebrew will often come across an unfamiliar word or phrase. To look at an adjoining column or facing page for the translation will solve the problem, but often at the price of a loss of concentration. (…) [Here] the translation is directly beneath each word or phrase – not opposite the line, but intermingled with it.«
Rabbi Menachem Davis, in his Editor‘s Foreword, dated Sivan 5761 / June 2001, writes:
»The translation is based on that of the STONE TANACH, Where necessary it is modified in order to make it read smoothly in the interlinear format. The commentary is primarily that of the ArtScroll TEHILLIM translated and annotated by Rabbi Danziger.«
The subtitle “Simchas Yehoshua“ means “Joy of Salvation“ and can be found e.g. in Hanna´ s prayer in 1 Samuel 2:1
N.B.: A similar companion to this volume, but with a regular translation, can be seen here: ArtScroll. For more titles from The ArtScroll series see The Stone Edition