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Mark 1:9-13
9 And it (happened) in those days, that Jesus came from (a region in Palestine called) Nazareth of Galilee, and he was baptized (by) John in the river Jordan.
10 And (as soon as he came) up out of the water, he saw the heavens (split) open, and the Spirit, (as if it had been) a dove came descending (down) upon him:
11 And there came a voice from heaven, saying, You are my (dearly loved) Son, in whom I (take pleasure).
12 And (right away, as soon as that happened) the Spirit (sent) him (forth) into the (desolate) wilderness.
13 And he was there in the (desolate) wilderness for forty days, tempted, (scrutinized, and enticed by) Satan; and was with the wild (venomous, and dangerous) beasts; and angels (waited upon him and) ministered to him.
John 1:1-5
1:1 In the beginning (the time when all began) the Word already (existed), and the Word was with God (as a companion and associate), and the Word was also himself, God.
2 This same (one) was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were (caused to come into being) by (means of) him; and (apart from) him there was not any thing (at all) (brought into existence) that was (brought into existence).
4 In him was life (and the vital forces that form the foundation for life); and the life was the (source of) light (which enlightens) men.
5 And the light (clearly) shined (into the) darkness; and the darkness (did not perceive, comprehend, or eagerly grasp and delight in it).
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
15:1 (In addition to what I've said), brethren, I (certify and attest as true, and guarantee) to you the gospel message which I preached (and declared) unto you, which you also have received (and welcomed), and (in which) you (are established and) stand;
2 By (means of) which you also are saved, (on the condition that) you keep in (your mind and) memory what I preached unto you, unless you had believed in vain (to no end).
3 For I (transmitted) unto you first (and most important) of all that which I also received (and accepted), (concerning the purpose and reason that) Christ (the anointed Messiah) died for our sins (in agreement and in harmony with) the scriptures, (the Holy Writ);
4 And that he was buried (with funeral rites), and that he rose (up) again from the dead on the third day (in agreement and in harmony with) the scriptures, (the Holy Writ):
5 And that he (appeared and) was seen of Cephas that is (Peter), then of the twelve together:
6 After that, he (appeared and) was seen by (over) five hundred brethren (on one occasion); of which the (major portion of them) remain unto this present (day), but some (have) fallen asleep (and are deceased).
7 After that, he (appeared and) was seen of James; then (after that) of all of the apostles.
8 And then (after all the others) he (appeared to and) was seen of me also, as (if I was) one (who had an unseasonable birth).