Everett Fox - Sample Verses

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Genesis 12:1-6

1972 edition

1HE said to Avram:
from your land,
from your kindred,
from you father's house,
to the land which I will let you see.
2I will make you into a great tribe
and will bless you
and will make your name grow great.
Be a blessing.
3I will bless those who bless you,
those who revile you, I will curse.
With you will all the clans of the soil bless themselves.
4Avram went, as HE had spoken to him, and Lot went with him.
Seventy years and five years old was Avram when he went out from Harran.
5Avram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother's son, all the breeding-gain that he had gained and the souls whom they had made their own in Haran.
They went out to go to the land of Canaan.
They came to the land of Canaan.
6Avram crossed the land, as far as the sacred-place of Shekhem, as far as the Oak of the Sage.
Now the Canaanite was then in the land.

1983 & 1990 edition

1YHWH said to Avram:
from your land,
from your kindred,
from you father's house,
to the land that I will let you see.
2I will make a great nation of you
and will give-you-blessing
and will make your name great.
Be a blessing!
3I will bless those who bless you,
he who reviles you, I will curse.
All the clans of the soil will find blessing through you!
4Avram went, as YHWH had spoken to him, and Lot went with him.
And Avram was five years and seventy years old when he went out of Harran.
5Avram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother's son, all their property that they had gained, and the persons whom they had made-their-own in Haran,
and they went out to go to the land of Canaan.
When they came to the land of Canaan,
6Avram passed through the land, as far as the Place of Shekhem, as far as the Oak of Moreh.
Now the Canaanite was then in the land.

1995 Edition

1YHWH said to Avram:
from your land,
from your kindred,
from you father's house,
to the land that I will let you see.
2I will make a great nation of you
and will give-you-blessing
and will make your name great.
Be a blessing!
3I will bless those who bless you,
he who curses you, I will damn.
All the clans of the soil will find blessing through you!
4Avram went, as YHWH had spoken to him, and Lot went with him.
And Avram was five years and seventy years old when he went out of Harran.
5Avram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother's son, all their property that they had gained, and the persons whom they had made-their-own in Haran,
and they went out to go to the land of Canaan.
When they came to the land of Canaan,
6Avram passed through the land, as far as the Place of Shekhem, as far as the Oak of Moreh.
Now the Canaanite was then in the land.


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