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Table of Contents
Lowland Scotch
Henry Scott Riddell
Matthew 6:9-13 - The Lord's Prayer
9 Efter this waise therfor praey ye : Our
Faether whilk art in heaeven, Hallowet be
thy name.
10 Thy kingdoom come. Thy wull be
dune in girth, as it is in heaeven.
11 Gie us this day our daily breaed.
12 An' forgie us our dets as we forgie our
detters :
13 An' leed-us-na intill temptatione, but
deliver us frae ill: for thine is the king-
doom, an' the power, an' the glorie, for evir.
Psalm 23
ΒΆ Ane Psalm o' David.
THE Lord is my shepherd ; I sallna inlak.
2 He mak's me til lye doun in green an' baittle gangs; he
leeds me aside the qumet waters.
3 He refreschens my Saul ; he leeds me in the peths o' richteousniss for his name's sak'.
4 Yis, thouch I wauk throwe the vallie o' the skaddaw o' death,
I wull feaer nae ill : for thou art wi' me ; thy cruik an' thy staffe thaye comfirt me.
5 Thou prepairist me ane tabel in the preesince o' mine eni-
mies : thou anaintist my head wi' oolie ; my cupp rins ower.
6 Shurelie guidniss an' mercie sail follo me a' the dayes o' my
liffe ; an' I wull dwall in the hous o' the Lord forevir.
Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him wi' kiffes fqueeze maw gob, His luve's like wine new preft.
Joseph Philip Robson - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him wi' his kisses prie my mou'; for thy loves aboon a' wine.
Anonymous - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kiss me wi' the kisses o' his moo'; for thy love is faur afore wine.
George Henderson
Matthew 6:9-12 - The Lord's Prayer
9 After this gate therefore pray ye : Our Father wha art in heaven, Hallowet be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be dune in yirth as it is in heaven.
11 Gie us this day our daily bread.
12 An' forgie us our debts, as we forgie our debtors:
13 An' lead us na intil temptation, but deliver us frae evil ; for thine is the kingdom, an' the power, an' the glory, for ever. Amen.
Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him prie me wi' the kisses o' his mou'; for thy love is finer nor wine.
Cumberland Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kiss me wi' the kisses o' his mwouth : for thy luive is far afwore weyne.
Dialect of Central Cumberland - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let am kiss ma wid his mouth: for thy leuve's better ner wine.
Cornish Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Lev'n kiss me weth th' kisses of hes mouth : for thy love es better then wine.
Dorset Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let en kiss me wi' the kisses ov his mouth: vor your love is better than wine.
Durham Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let 'im kiss mah wud t'kisses uv his gob: fer thee luv's better then weyne.
Lancashire Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kiss me wi' th' kissins uv his meawth; for thy love's better nur woine.
Newcastle Dialect (John George Forster) - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kiss me wi' the kisses o' his mooth: for thy luiv is bettor nor wine.
Newcastle Dialect (Joseph Philip Robson) - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kiss us wi' the kisses iv his mooth: for thaw luve's bettor nor wine.
Sheffield Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kuss ma wit kusses on his mahth: for thah luv's better then woine.
Dialect of Craven - Song of Solomon 1:2
Leet a kuss mah wi' 't kusses o' 's meouth, fur thay luv is better nor waine.
Devonshire Dialect - Henry Baird
Song of Solomon 1:2
Let'n kiss ma way tha kisses uv es mowth: vur thy luv es better thin wine.
Matthew 6:9-13 - The Lord's Prayer
9 Arter this manner thervaur pray ye : Our Vather wich irt in hev'n, Hallad be thy neame.
10 Thy kindim com. Thy wul be din in aith, az et ez in hev'n.
11 Gie ez this day our dayly burd.
12 An vurgie ez our dets, az we vurgie our dettors.
13 An layd ez nat intu temtashin, bit dayliver ez vrim aril: Vur thine ez tha kindim, an tha power,
vrim aril: Vur thine ez tha kindim, an tha power,
an tha glaury, vur iver. Amen.
East Devonshire Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let'n kees me wi' th' keeses o' ez meuth; ver thai leuve's var bedd'r than waine.
Norfolk Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Lerr 'im kiss me wi' the kisses of his mouth; for yar love is better 'an wine.
North Lancashire Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kiss me wi' th' kissins uv his meawth; for thy love's better nur woine.
Yorkshire Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kiss me wi' t' kisses of his mooth, for thah luv is betther an wawhn.
Northumberland Dialect - Joseph Philip Robson
Ruth 1:16
An' Ruth says, Divent coax us te leeve the', or te gan back an' nut follor the': for where thoo gans, aw'll gan ; where thoo leeves, aw'll leeve; thaw folk sall be maw folk, an' thaw God, maw God;
Song of Solomon 1:2
Led 'im kiss us wi' the kisses iv his mooth: for thaw luve's far nicer nor wine.
Northumberland (Tyneside) Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him wi' kiffes fqueeze maw gob, His luve's like wine new preft.
Somerset Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let un kiss me wi' th' kisses o' hiz mouth, vor thoi love be better than woine.
Sussex Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kiss me wud de kisses of his mouth; for yer love is better dan wine.
West Riding of Yorkshire Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kuss ma wi' t' kusses on hiz mahth: for thy love is better then wine.
Wiltshire Dialect - Song of Solomon 1:2
Let un kiss m' wi' th' kisses o' huz mouth, vor yer love uz better 'n wine.