Revised English Version (REV)

This version is not to be confused with the Revised English Bible. Click here to view an ad for the Revised English Version that appeared in the fourth quarter of 2014 issue of The Sower. The Sower is the official magazine of Spirit & Truth Fellowship International.

For sample verses from the Revised English Version, click here.


Title: REV Revised English Version New Testament
Date: 2014
Publisher: Spirit & Truth Fellowship International, Inc.: Martinsville, IN
ISBN: 9780985367473
Facsimile: The REV website has a PDF here.
Contents: New Testament
Images: Cover, Title page, Publication information
References: Taliaferro-EELBV UBV-0019.
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Comments: Taliaferro states this is a Unitarian version; the Old Testament and the commentary found on the REV website is not in print. This is the first edition.


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