Ernest Renan

French Original


Title: Ernest Renan – Le Livre de Job traduit de l’Hébreu avec une étude sur l’age et le caractère du poëme
Date: 1858?
Publisher: Calmann-Lévy - Éditeur: Paris
Contents: Job
Images: Title page. (from the online facsimile)
Facsimile: A pdf facsimile of the original French version is available at

English Translation


Title: The Book of Job Translated from the Hebrew. With a Study upon the Age and Character of the Poem. By Ernest Renan. Rendered into English by A. F. G. and W. M. T.
Date: 1889
Publisher: W. M. Thomson: London
Contents: Job
References: Chamberlin 256-5; Herbert 2355
Images: Cover, Title page
Facsimile: A pdf facsimile is available at
Comments: Herbert identifies "A.F.G." as Henry Fredk. Gibbons and "W.M.T." as William M. Thomson.


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