James R. Madsen - New Simplified Bible

The New Simplified Bible is a non-trinitarian version. Madsen states that the "New Simplified Bible is not Trinitarian biased. It does not espouse, adopt, embrace, or promote the Trinity". He also states that the version is "not endorsed by any religious organization".

Click here For sample verses from the New Simplified Bible.

Title: Read the New Simplified Bible
URL: http://www.webspawner.com/users/newsimplifiedbible/ (via archive.org)
Date: 2003
Publisher: New Simplified Bible: Canon City, CO
Contents: Complete Bible
References: Taliaferro-EELBV 8845.100.
Translator: James R. Madsen
Comments: A copy of the New Simplified Bible was available on CD-ROM from newsimplifiedbible.com; the website is now defunct. In later years Madsen released editions that use LORD and Jehovah for the deity. A Yahwist edition that uses different names for God and Jesus was also produced.


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