New Jerusalem Bible

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This is a revision of the Jerusalem Bible.

NJB Regular Edition


Title: The New Jerusalem Bible
Date: 1985
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Catholic Bible
References: Chamberlin 47-3, Taliaferro CN00048, Taliaferro-EELBV 8245.
Images: Front Cover Jacket, Cover, Title page

NJB Reader's Edition


Title: The New Jerusalem Bible • Reader‘s Edition
Date: July 1990. First Edition. ⓒ Biblical text 1985, Notes and Introductions ⓒ 1990. –– Imprimatur: Westminster, London (England), Sept. 1989
Publisher: New York, N.Y. (U.S.A.): Doubleday, a Division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group
Contents: Catholic Bible: Old Testament with Deuterocanonical Books, New Testament. Editor‘s Foreword (2 p); Introductions to groups of, e.g. Pentateuch, and individual books. Supplements: Technical Glossary (13 pp), Chronological Table (4 pp), Measures and Money (1 p), Index of Persons (9 pp), Index to Maps (8 pp), eight color maps.

Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv-Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden, Germany
Comments: Paperback large octavo with adhesive binding, VIII, 1464 & (16) pp.
Scripture text in double column, all poetical parts and books in colometric form. Few notes and references at bottom of page. OT passages within NT text printed in italics.
“The Editor‘s Foreword to the Reader‘s Edition“, written by Henry Wansbrough and dated Feast of Assumption, 1989, Ampleforth Abbey (York, England), informs:
»This Reader‘s Edition of The New Jerusalem Bible is based on the much larger Regular Edition first published in 1985. While the biblical text remains unchanged, the notes and introductory material have been pared to make the volume more accessible and manageable. (…) The translation follows the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts. For the Old Testament (OT) the ‘Massoretic Text‘ (MT), established in the 8–9 centuries AD by Jewish scholars, is used. Only when this presents insuperable difficulties have emendations or other versions, such as the ancient Greek translation begun in 200 BC at Alexandria, the ‘Septuagint‘ (abbreviated ‘LXX‘), been used. In certain OT books passages exist only in the LXX version; these passages have been printed in italics. (…)«
There is no information about the Greek text basis used for the NT.

American Bible Society edition


Title: The Holy Bible The New Jerusalem Bible
Date: 1985
Publisher: American Bible Society: New York
Contents: Complete Bible
References: Taliaferro-EELBV 8245.
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Images: cover, title, back cover
Comments: This edition was printed in 2007.

RNJB – Revised New Jerusalem Bible


Title: Revised New Jerusalem Bible RNJB / New Testament and Psalms (Revised Grail translation) / With Study notes
Date: first published ⓒ 2018
Publisher: London, England (U.K.): Darton, Longman and Todd
Contents: NT & Psalter • Foreword • Contents • Preface • Abbreviations.
Images: (cover, title)
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany

Comments: Softcover octavo w/ sewn binding; [12], 749 & (3 empty–) pp. Psalms starting with p. 533. Scripture texts in single column paragraph-wise with headings, poetic texts in colometric print; parallel– & cross-references in outer margin, study material in footnotes. All books are separately introduced.
The rear cover informs:
Language is „formal equivalence“ • Gender inclusion to avoid traditional male bias • Psalms in the Revised Grail Psalter 2010–translation • Modern measurements • Comprehensive Study notes w/ new material which reflect the fruit of the most up-to-date and ecumenical scholarship.
In the „Foreword“, dated Ampleforth Abbey, York, June 2017, Henry Wansbrough informs,
»The biblical text here presented is a wholesome revision of the Jerusalem Bible text, chiefly under two guiding principles. Attention has been given to the rendering the language and imagery of the original languages accurately rather than by dynamic equivalence. Every attempt has also been made to show that the message of the Bible is directed to women and men equally, despite the inbuilt bias of the English language. To take it more intelligible to current readers, ancient systems of measuring and timing have also been replaced by modern, metric equivalents. (…)«

N.B.: Dom Henry Joseph Wansbrough OSB (* 1934), is a British biblical scholar and a monk of Ampleforth Abbey, England.


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