New English Bible - Translation Drafts

During the creation of the New English Bible draft versions of the books were created and circulated among the various panel mambers. For the most part, these were closely held by the panel members and were not made available to the public. This page gives information on a few of these drafts.

First Samuel


Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - The First Book of Samuel
Date: March 1960
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: First Samuel
Description: Forty-eight mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page

Second Samuel


Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - The Second Book of Samuel
Date: April 1960
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Second Samuel
Description: Forty-three mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page

Bel and the Serpent


Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - Bel and the Serpent
Date: February 1961
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Bel and the Serpent (from the Apocrypha)
Description: Four mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page

Additions to Esther


Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - The Rest of Esther
Date: February 1961
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Additions to Esther
Description: Nine mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page



Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - Tobit
Date: February 1961
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Tobit
Description: Twenty-one mimeograph single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, [Title page



Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - The Book of Daniel
Date: June 1961
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Daniel
Description: Twenty-nine mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page



Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - Psalms CVII - CL
Date: August 1961
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Psalm 107-150
Description: Forty-one mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page



Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - Judith
Date: February 1963
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Judith
Description: Thirty-eight mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page

Second Maccabees


Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - Second Book of the Maccabees
Date: August 1963
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Second Maccabees
Descriptions: Twenty-six mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover Title page

First Esdras


Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - I Esdras
Date: January 1964
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: First Esdras
Description: Twenty-five mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title



Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - Ecclesiasticus Prologue and Chapters 1 to 26
Date: April 1965
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Ecclesiasticus 1-26
Description: Forty-one mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page


Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - Ecclesiasticus Chapters 27-51
Date: April 1965
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Ecclesiasticus 27-51
Description: Forty-one mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page

Esther from the Greek


Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - The Rest of the Chapters of the Book of Esther which are found neither in the Hebrew nor the Syriac
Date: April 1965
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Esther (Apocrypha) (This is the complete Book of Esther translated from the Greek, not just those portions not found in the Hebrew)
Description: Eighteen mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page

Second Esdras


Title: Specimens toward a New Translation of the Bible - II Esdras
Date: May 1965
Publisher: Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible
Contents: Second Esdras
Description: Forty-eight mimeographed single sided sheets with a cardstock cover.
Images: Cover, Title page


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