Navajo Bible Translation

Navajo Bible

Scripture Portions - 1937?


Title: God Bî-zād
Date: 1937?
Publisher: New York: American Bible Society
Language: Navajo
Contents: Genesis, Jonah, Mark, John, Acts and portions of Exodus (Decalogue), Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Matthew (Lord's Prayer), Luke, Romans, First Corinthians (ch. 13), and Revelation
References: The Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 939.
Images: Cover, Title page.

New Testament - 1956


Title: NihiBóhólníihii Dóó Yisdánihiiníiłii Jesus Christ Bee'aha'deet'ą́ 'Ániidíii
Date: 1956
Publisher: New York: American Bible Society
Language: Navajo
Contents: New Testament
References: The Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 939.
Images: Cover, Title page.

Genesis & Exodus - 1962


Title: God Bizaad Bee’aha’deet’ą́ Áłtséhígíí Genesis dóó Exodus
Date: 1962
Publisher: New York: American Bible Society
References: The Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 939.
Images: Cover, Title page

Genesis Exodus Joshua Ruth Jonah - 1966


Title: God Bizaad Bee’aha’deet’ą́ Áłtséhígíí Genesis Exodus Joshua Ruth Jonah
Date: 1982 (first edition 1966)
Publisher: New York: American Bible Society
References: The Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 939.
Images: Cover, Title page

New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs - 1975


Title: Diyin God Bizaad The New Testament of of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Psalms Proverbs in Navajo
Date: 1975
Publisher: New York: American Bible Society
References: The Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) see entry 939.
Images: Cover, Title page

Complete Bible - 1985


Title: Diyin God Bizaad The Holy Bible in Navajo
Date: 1985
Publisher: New York: American Bible Society
Images: Cover, Title page

Translation History

Click here for the Wikipedia article on the Navajo New Testament.

Translation History

1910 Genesis, Mark, 1916 Mark (revised), 1935 Acts, 1948 John (with English) American Bible Society, New York

Translated by Leonard P. Brink, Christian Reformed Church, and F.G. Mitchell, Presbyterian, with considerable assistance from other translators and native informants.

1948 Mark, 1949 Matthew, 1 Corinthians, Philippians, James, 1,2 Peter (with English) American Bible Society, New York
1952 Luke (tentative) Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT), Farmington
1956 New Testament
1959 New Testament (corrected), 1962 Genesis, Exodus, 1966 Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Ruth, Psalms, Jonah American Bible Society, New York
Translated by Faye E. Edgerton, Faith Hill,Turner and Helen Blout, WBT, Geronimo Martin, a Navajo, and W. Goudberg, Christian Reformed Church.

— From The Book of a Thousand Tongues entry 939.

Modern Language Navajo Bible



Title: Mark Bik'ehgo Hane' Yá'át'éehii
Date: 1989
Publisher: New York: American Bible Society
Images: Cover, Title page

Luke & Acts


Title: Luke dóó Acts Éí Jesus dóó Ídahooł’aahii Yaa Naaskiígíí Baa Hane’ Luke and Acts Modern Navajo Translation
Date: 1994
Publisher: New York: American Bible Society
Images: Cover, Title page


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