Murui Huitoto New Testament
From Wikipedia: Murui Huitoto - or simply Murui (also known as Bue and Witoto) is an indigenous American Huitoto language of the Witotoan family spoken by 2,900 of indigenous people in western South America alongside the Ampiyacu, Putumayo, and Napo rivers.
Title: Jusiñamui Uai Jusiñamui Jito Rafue Illa Rabenico El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el idioma (huitoto) murui
Date: 1978
Contents: New Testament
Language: Murui Huitoto (also called Bue and Witoto)
Images: Cover, Title page
page revision: 5, last edited: 08 Feb 2015 01:32