Michael Friedlander ✡ מ.פרידלנדר

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The Jewish Family Bible

Title: מ.פרידלנדר
תורה נביאים וכתובים עם תרגום לאנגלית / תנ’’ך מצויר עם אלפים תמונות
Jewish Family Bible ✡ The Illustrated Jerusalem Bible / English Translation Edited by M. Friedlander / with 2000 [black and white] Pictures.
Date: First published 5645–1884. This is a reduced facsimile. No date given, c. 1953
Publisher: [1st Ed.: London, England (U.K.): W. Rider & Son] Here: Jerusalem (Israel): Jerusalem Bible Publishing.
Contents: Hebrew Bible - Tanakh. Table of Haftaroth and comparative table of Ancient Alphabets in the appendix.
Language: Hebrew and English
Images: English Title,Hebrew Title, Back Cover, Front Cover
Location: Bibelarchiv-Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardbound octavo; thread stitching. (12) & 1882 pp. Scripture text in 2 columns, Hebrew on right, translation on left side of page; no extras.
This ´Friedländer` translation is similar in style to the Authorized / King James Version but diverges primarily in places where the AV / KJV reflects a Christian interpretation that is at odds with the traditional Jewish understanding. While it never gained wide popularity, it influenced the editors of the 1917 Jewish Publication Society edition and is cited as the basis for a revised translation found in the Koren Hebrew-English Tanakh.

In 1972 Tel-Aviv based "SINAI" Publishing House edited this translation in a smaller book without illustrations, regrettably without revealing the translator's identity. The 5th photo below shows both Friedlander Tanakhim; The larger one, boxed, compared to the smaller one being the anonymous "SINAI" edition.

The Book of Job


Title: The Book of Job ✡ ספר איוב Hebrew and English / Revised by M. Friedlander / with 12 Coloured Pictures by Zeev Raban / "Bezalel" Jerusalem
Date: © 1967
Publisher: Tel-Aviv (Israel): "SINAI" Bookstore and Publishing
Contents: Book of Job
Language: Hebrew and English
Images: Title page, Cover
Location: Bibelarchiv-Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardbound octavo, thread stitching; unpaginated (84 pp). Scripture text in parallel columns: Masorah on right, translation on left side of page; chapters and verses numbered, no annotations or footnotes. Coloured illustrations are identified by scripture text.


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