Title: Word Study Greek English New Testament with Complete Concordance. • The complete text of the Greek New Testament, UBS 3rd corrected edition, with a unique interlinear translation and the NRSV.
A literal, interlinear word study of the Greek New Testament / and Word Study Concordance / Editor: Paul R. McReynolds
Date: 1st imprint 1999. / Word Study Greek– English NT: ⓒ 1998. / UBS Greek NT: 3rd corrected ed. ⓒ 1983. / New Revised Standard Version NT: ⓒ 1990
Publisher: Wheaton IL (U.S.A.): Tyndale House
Contents: New Testament in traditional canon. Word Study Concordance. – Preface; Introduction; Introduction to the New Revised Standard Version, NT, by Bruce M. Metzger
Language: Greek and English
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover large octavo with dust jacket; XVIII, 1785 & (4) pp. New Testament Scripture text, Greek and interlinear in single column; NRSV text in the outer margin. Greek text keyed to Strong ‘s numbering system.
In the undated preface, McReynolds tells the story of his venture to produce an interlinear translation, starting with the KJV in the 1970s: »While very valuable, it was outdated in terms of the Greek text underlying it and the concordance. The ´Word Study New Testament` did not reference many Greek words and was a KJV text. So I started to do my own very literal Greek–English text. With an interlinear text and an up-to-date Greek–English concordance, students without a thorough knowledge of Greek can utilize the best of Greek–English reference works to the New Testament.«
The following “Introduction“ (4 pp) serves as an operator‘s instruction to the UBS Greek text; the linkage to the numbering system of James Strong´s Concordance; and the specialties of the English Interlinear Translation; final topic is how to use the "Strong 's Exhaustive Concordance: reference source is the Berlin edited “Computer–Konkordanz zum Novum Testamentum Graece“, published by Walter de Gruyter, 1980). The 3rd Introduction is that of the NRSV New Testament. The NT texts run from p. 1 to p. 947. The Complete Concordance comprises of 836 pp.