Gospel of John
Title: Le Kiliich Ma'alob Pektsilo' Jee Bix San Juan
Date: 1946
Publisher: Sociedad Biblica Americana: Mexico
Contents: Gospel of John in Mayan and Spanish
Images: Cover, Title page
References: Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 837.
Translation History
1865 Luke British and Foreign Bible Society
Probably translated by Fr. Joaquin Ruz. (Selections from Luke were published in 1862, BFBS, London)1865 Luke Bible Translation Society, London
Translated by E. Henderson, BMS.1868 John (tentative), 1869 John, 1900 Matthew, Mark British and Foreign Bible Society
Translated by Richard Fletcher, Wesleyan Missionary Society.Diglots with Spanish
1946 John, 1947 Mark, 1951 Galatians to Philippians, 1954 Romans, 1955 Hebrews, 1958 Acts, 1961 New Testament
All published in Mexico by the American Bible Society.
Translated by David B. Legters, Pioneer Mission Agency, Moisés Romero, Edesio Sánchez, Ernest Matthews, and German Celis.— From The Book of a Thousand Tongues entry 837
New Testament
Title: El Nuevo Testamento de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo Ich Maya
Date: Copyright 2000
Publisher: Soceidad Bíblica de México
Contents: New Testament
Images: Cover, Title page
Comments: The title page is in Spanish but the remainder of the book is in the Mayan language as spoken on the Yucatan Peninsula.