New Testament - 1810
Title: Conaant Noa nyn Jiarn as Saualtagh Yeesey Creest; veih ny chied ghlaraghyn, dy kiaralagh chyndait ayns gailck: ta shen dy ghra, Chengey ny Mayrey Ellan Vannin. Pointit dy ve Lhaiht ayns Kialteenyn.
Publisher: London : Sterotyped and Printed by T. Rutt, Schacklewell; For the British and Foreign Bible Society
Language: Manx
Date: 1810
Contents: New Testament
References: Darlow & Moule 6640
Images: Title page
Complete Bible - 1819
Title: Yn Vible Casherick, ny Yn Chenn Chonaant, as yn Conaant Noa: veih ny Chied Ghlaraghyn; dy Kiaralagh Chyndait ayns Gailck: ta shen dy ghra, Chengey ny Nayrey Ellan Vannin. Pointit dy ve lhaiht ayns Kialteenyn.
Publisher: London : Printed by George Eyre & Andrew Strahan, for the British and Foreign Bible Society
Language: Manx
Date: 1819
Contents: Bible
References: Darlow & Moule 6642
Images: Title page
Facsimile: An online facsimile is available at
Manx is a form of Gaelic spoken on the Isle of Man and is closely akin to Scotch and Irish Gaelic. Today, only a small minority of the island is fluent in Manx though a larger minority have some knowledge of the language. The Bible in Manx was published as follows:
1748 – Matthew. The earliest book of the Bible published in Manx. It was translated under the direction of Thomas Wilson, Bishop of Sodor and Man (1697-1755) and William Walker (d. 1729). (D&M 6633)
1763 – The Gospels and the Acts. Translated by W. Walker. When Bishop Wilson died in 1755, his successor, Mark Hildesley, had the manuscript revised by M. Curghey and J. Wilks. (D&M 6634)
1767 – Romans to Revelation. This was translated by J. Wilks and revised by M. Curghey. (D&M 6635)
1773 – The first edition of the Old Testament in Manx. It includes two books of the Apocrypha, the Wisdom of Solomon and Ecclesiasticus. Bishop Hildesley divided the work among twenty-four translators who were, with one exception, clergymen of the Isle of Man. The completed manuscript was revised by Philip Moore and John Kelly (D&M 6636)
1775 – The New Testament. A revision prepared by M. Curghey and J. Wilks. This edition was uniform with the Old Testament. (D&M 6638)
1775 – The Complete Bible in Manx in one volume. This was issued in a small impression of 40 copies for the use of the clergy. (D&M 6639)
1810 – The New Testament published by the British and Foreign Bible Society. This is a reprint of the 1775 New Testament and has a considerable number of spelling errors. This was reprinted in 1815. (D&M 6640 & 6641)
1819 – The Bible in Manx published by the British and Foreign Bible Society. An edition (5,000 copies) in one octavo volume. It is a reprint of the 1773 Old Testament and the 1775 New Testament. (D&M 6642)