Title: A | Harmony | of the | Four Gospels | in which | the natural order of each is preserved. | With a Paraphrase and Notes. | By James Macknight, D.D. | To which is prefixed, Some Account of the Life and Character | of the Author. | That thou mighest know the certainty of those things wherein thou hast been | instructed. Luke i.4. | In Two Volumes. | The Third Edition. | Vol I. | Edinburgh: | Printed by J. Ritchie. | Sold by Mess. Creech, Hill, Ogle & Aikman, Constable & Co. Manners | & Miller, Laing, and Guthrie & Tait, Edinburgh; M. Ogle, | Glasgow; E. Leslie, Dundee; Longman & Rees, | Button, Williams, and Ogle, London. | 1804.
Date: 1756 (Third Edition 1804)
Publisher: J. Ritchie: Edinburgh
References: Chamberlin p. 633-5
Images: Volume I Title, Volume II Title
Facsimile: A pdf facsimile of the 1819 London edition is available at archive.org Volume I, Volume II.
A pdf facsimile of the 1810 Edinburgh edition is available at archive.org.