Click here for sample verses from the translation by Samuel Lloyd.
Tentative Edition - 1904 (Bagster)
Title: The Authorised Version of the New Testament in "Revised English," Embodying the Labours of Many Eminent English and Greek Scholars; With Errors in the Text Corrected. Tentative Edition. Edited by Samuel Lloyd and Geo. Washington Moon, Hon. F.R.S.L.
Date: 1904
Publisher: Samuel Bagster and Sons Limited: London, James Pott and Co.: New York
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin 567-1; Herbert 2136, Taliaferro CN00382, Taliaferro-EELBV 7665.095.
Images: Cover, Title page
1905 Edition (Bagster)
Title: The Corrected English New Testament A Revision of the “Authorised” Version (by Nestle’s Resultant Text), Prepared With the Assistance of Eminent Scholars, and Issued by Samuel Lloyd, A Life Governor of The British and Foreign Bible Society, as His Memorial of the Society’s Centenary, 1904. With Preface by the Bishop of Durham.
Date: 1905
Publisher: Samuel Bagster and Sons Limited: London
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin 567-1; Herbert 2136; Hills 2170, Taliaferro CN00382, Taliaferro-EELBV 7665.100.
Images: Cover, Title page
Facsimile: Facsimile available at
1905 Edition (Putnam)
Title: The Corrected English New Testament / A Revision of the “Authorised” Version / (by Nestle´s Resultant Text) / Prepared With the Assistance of Eminent Scholars / and Issued by Samuel Lloyd, A Life Governor of The British and Foreign Bible Society/ as His Memorial of the Society’s Centenary, 1904.
Date: 1905
Publisher: New York N.Y (U.S.A.): G. P. Punam´s Sons / The Knickerbocker Press
Contents: New Testament. – Dedication. Dedicatory Note. Preface. Introduction.
Images: (cover & title page)
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comment: Hardcover small octavo, thread stitching; XXVIII & 516 pp. Scripture text in single column, cross references in the side margin. Brief explanations and alternate readings, also most of those of the TR only, in footnotes. Longer ending of Mark (16:9–20) and John 7:53 to 8:11 in running text. The Dedicatory Note (1 p) is dated Birmingham, England, 1904. The Preface (4 pp) was written by Handley Dunelm. The Introduction comprises 14 pp. Here the source text is revealed: NT Graece 4° ed. compiled by Eberhard Nestle.
In 1908 Lloyd published Notes on the Corrected English New Testament to further explain and justify this translation.
Title: Notes on the Corrected English New Testament. Issued in 1905 by Samuel Lloyd, a Life Governor of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in Commemoration of the Society's Centenary 1904. A Revision of the "Authorized" Version by Nestle's Resultant Greek Testament (issued and used as a text for translation by the British and Foreign Bible Society.) Origin, History and Features of the Work, with Illustrative Passages. And references to other Versions. Price Sixpence.
Date: 1908
Publisher: London: The London Bible Warehouse (Publishers of The Corrected English New Testament.); Birmingham: The Ruskin Press
Images: Cover, Title page