Click here for sample verses from the versions by Meir Halevy Letteris
Title: The Story of Esther ✡ מגלת אסתר • Edited and translated by Meir Halevy Letteris
בהעתקה אנגלית ₪₪ מדויק היטב על פי המסורה ₪₪
הוגה בעיון נמרץ על ידי החכם המובהק מהור’’ק
מאיר הלוי לעטעריס
[The Esther–Scroll / With English translation / accurate exactly according to the Masorah /
Outline [&] complete perusal by the sage expert (….*) Meir Halevy Letteris]
(….*acronym not decoded)
Date: January 1995
Publisher: Rockaway Beach NY (U.S.A): Hebrew Publishing Company
Contents: The Scroll of Esther. With blessings before and after recitation.
Language: Hebrew and English
Images: Title page, Cover
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Softcover octavo, (4) & (16 double) pp. (pagination counted from p. 1188 to 1202, taken from a Letteris´ Tanakh¹).
Masoretic Hebrew text on right, translation on left side of double page. No further extras.
¹ Die Heiligen Schriften des Alten Testaments / hebräisch und deutsch
Berlin: Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft (1852 ff)