Fr. Lazarus [Moore]

Click here for sample verses from the version by Fr. Lazarus.


Title: The Holy Psalter. The Psalms Of David from the Septuagint …being a new translation of the Psalms of David… with introduction and index [by] Fr. Lazarus [Moore]
Date: 1966 [1st edition]
Publisher: Madras 7, Tamil Nadu (India): The Diocesan Press,
Contents: Psalms 1 - 151. – Index of Titles, Orthodox Psalter: Introduction
References: Chamberlin 340-2
Images: Front jacket, Back jacket
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv-Birnbaum, Karlsruhe, Germany
Comment: French brochure, small Octavo, XXV and 184 pages. – The Orthodox Psalter is introduced on 18 pages. The topics are:
• Fullness and Fulfillment • Correspondence and Recapitualation • The Church and the Bible • The Nature of the Psalms • Practical Use of the Psalter • Poetic Characteristics • Divergences • Songs with a Difference • The Divine Initiantive • The Messiah • Figures and Symbols • Some Difficulties • The Cross is the Key • Importance of the Psalter • Inspiration • Date and Authorship • Historical Coverage • Unity and Divisions • Effect of the Psalms • The Voice and the Voices • Extract from St ''John Chrysostom''´s Panegyric on the Psalm • The numbering of the Psalms.

So the Introduction serves as a lexicon and deals with all general and useful issues of this Biblical Book. In the paragraph "Divergences" Fr. Lazarus writes:

» This new translation of the Psalter has been made primarily for the use in the services of the Orthodox Church. It will be found to follow closely and often word for word previous versions made from the Hebrew. It will also be found to differ widely in many places. This is because the Orthodox Church is committed to the Septuagint version of the Bible, which was the Bible of the whole Christian Church during the first thousand years of its existance. (…) This is why it will be found that this version of the Psalms tallies in almost every instance with the Psalms quoted in the New Testament, whereas the Hebrew Psalms are often widely divergent.«


Title: The Psalter
Date: 1971. Second printing / Revised
Publisher: Madras (India): At the Diocesan Press
Contents: Psalms 1- 151 according to the Septuagint. – Index of Titles, Orthodox Psalter: Introduction
References: Chamberlin 340-2
Images: Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv- Birnbaum, Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: This booklet has XXVI and 210 pp. Index followed by a multi- page introduction. The topics are the same as in the 1st edition (see above) All Psalms are translated with their headings; verse numbering included, footnotes throughout. Ps 151 is superscribed as "Never read in Church".


Title: The Four Gospels [translated by] Fr. Lazarus Moore ☦ The Orthodox Septuagint Psalter – The Kathismas / translated from the Original Byzantine Greek by Archimandrite Lazarus Moore
Date: not given, as Print on Demand [2012]

Publisher: Raleigh N.C. (U.S.A.):
Contents: Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Psalms Translation (1 to 151) here is said to be by Fr. Lazarus, but see below in the Comment.
Images: Cover
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv- Birnbaum, Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Fr. Lazarus‘ Translation of the Gospels remained unpublished until after his death in 1992. It is not known where and when the work was accomplished. The ‘Print on Demand‘ title is published in octavo with 172 pp (for the Gospels). Christ‘s words are printed in red. Text provided with notes and cross references.

As to the Psalms translation: Psalms 1 to 151. 149 pp; Scripture text verse– wise; headings translated, superscriptions; brief notes and cross references in footnotes. No preface or afterword.

If indeed Fr. Lazarus should have done it, it were a complete revised work and his 2nd revision as such; this is nowhere documented but not impossible. More information welcome.


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