The Lamba Language is spoken by about 70,000 people in the Ndola area of Zambia, and across the border in extreme southern Katanga Province of Congo-Kinshasa.
Title: Ukulayana Kwa Wukumo. The New Testament in the Lamba Language. The Sir Charles and Lady Jane Barrie Edition.
Date: 1921
Publisher: London: The Bible Translation and Literature Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Society.
Images: Cover, Title page
References: Thousand Tongues (1972) 715.
Comments: First Edition, 2,500 copies.
Translation History
1914 Jonah, 1918 Mark, 1920 John 1921 New Testament
1922 Ruth - The Bible Translation and Literature Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Society1929 Genesis & Exodus, 1938 New Testament & Psalms
1950 Genesis-Leviticus, Joshua, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon
Daniel, Obadiah & Jonah 1950 Bible - British & Foreign Bible Society
Translated, over the years, by W.A. Phillips, H.L. Wildey, Clement M. Doke, and Olive C. Doke
South African Baptist Missionary Society and E. Holmgren, Swedish Baptist Mission.— From The Book of a Thousand Tongues entry 715.