Lamba New Testament

The Lamba Language is spoken by about 70,000 people in the Ndola area of Zambia, and across the border in extreme southern Katanga Province of Congo-Kinshasa.


Title: Ukulayana Kwa Wukumo. The New Testament in the Lamba Language. The Sir Charles and Lady Jane Barrie Edition.
Date: 1921
Publisher: London: The Bible Translation and Literature Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Society.
Images: Cover, Title page
References: Thousand Tongues (1972) 715.
Comments: First Edition, 2,500 copies.

Translation History

1914 Jonah, 1918 Mark, 1920 John 1921 New Testament
1922 Ruth - The Bible Translation and Literature Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Society

1929 Genesis & Exodus, 1938 New Testament & Psalms
1950 Genesis-Leviticus, Joshua, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon
Daniel, Obadiah & Jonah
1950 Bible - British & Foreign Bible Society
Translated, over the years, by W.A. Phillips, H.L. Wildey, Clement M. Doke, and Olive C. Doke
South African Baptist Missionary Society and E. Holmgren, Swedish Baptist Mission.

— From The Book of a Thousand Tongues entry 715.


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