C. I. Scofield - Scofield Reference Bible

Click here for sample verses from the 1911 TCB and the 1967 New Scofield revision by E. Schuyler English. All texts chosen for sample verses show where C. I. Scofield & committee and E. S. English made changes in wording compared to the 1611/ 1769 A.V. / KJV text.

C. I. Scofield & Translation commitee

The 1911 Tercentenary Commemoration Bible


Title: The 1911 [Tercentenary Commemoration*] Bible –– The Holy Bible • Containing the / Old and New Testaments / Translated out of the Original Tongues and with the / former Translations diligently compared and / revised by King James´s special command / 1611 / • The Text carefully corrected and / amended by American Scholars / 1911
Date: 1911
Publishers: New York NY (U.S.A.): Oxford University Press • London, England (U.K.): Henry Frowde.
Contents: PB. – Preface. Names and Order of all the Books of the Old and New Testament. – Indexed Atlas to the Holy Bible. Maps (color)
Images: (spine; title page)
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum (www.bibelpedia.com). Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Note to title: As can be seen from the title page image, this “The 1911 Bible“ is the title given by the New York N.Y. branch of Oxford UP. The full title of the London, England, edition is, according to the available bibliographical data, »The 1911 Tercentenary Commemoration Bible«. This awaits visual confirmation.
Subtitle: “With a New System of References“.

Clothboard octavo, sewn binding; 1152 & (8) plus 12 color map pp. Scripture text in double column verse- wise; center- column references, alternate reading variants.
In the single–page Preface, undated, the anonymous writer/ editor (=C. I. Scofield and committee) informs:
»The present edition of the Authorized Version of the Bible commemorates the tercentenary of that great historic Version. (…) The Scriptures in particular have been subjected to an investigation of their origins and of their textual integrity which abated nothing of the most severe scientific spirit and method. Hitherto–unknown manuscripts of the New Testament have been discovered, and many new English translations and revisions have appeared. Much also has been made of alleged errors and archaisms in the Authorized Version. The continued confidence, therefore, of the Church universal throughout English–speaking lands in the Authorized English version is reasoned and mature. Despite a limited number of passages on which the Revisers of 1611 seem to have missed the true meaning, and a number of other passages which have through changed usage become obscure, the Authorized Version is still the English Bible.
It was felt, however, that in preparing an edition commemorative of this unique event, occasion might fitly be found for a careful scrutiny of the text with the view of correcting, in the light of the best modern research, such passages as are recognized by all scholars as in any measure misleading or needlessly obscure.
This scrutiny was committed to a committee of thirty–four eminent Hebrew and Greek scholars of all the evangelical bodies and many foremost Universities and Schools of Divinity.
The result of their labours is, therefore, neither a new translation nor a revision, but a scholarly and carefully Corrected Text of the historic English Bible, the time–honoured Authorized Version.
The other distinctive features of the present edition are:
I. A system of chain references specially prepared (…)
II. A new collected reference system (…)
III. A new method of paragraphing (…) «

Scofield Bible

First Edition – 1909


Title: The Scofield Reference Bible - The Holy Bible / Containing the Old and New Testaments / Authorized Version / With a New System of Corrected Topical References to all the Greater Themes of Scripture, with Annotations, Revised Marginal Renderings, Summaries, Definitions, and Index To which are added Helps at Hard Places, Explanations of Seeming Discrepancies, and a New System of Paragraphs. Edited by Rev. C. I. Scofield, D.D. / Consulting Editors: Rev. Henry G. Weston, D.D., LL.D., President Crozer Theological Seminary. Rev. Prof. W.G. Moorehead, D.D., Prof. in Xenia (U.P.) Theological Seminary. Rev. James M. Gray, D.D., Dean of Moody Bible Institute. Rev. Elmore G. Harris, D.D. President of Toronto Bible Institute. Rev. William J. Erdman, D.D. Author "The Gospel of John," etc., etc. Arno C. Gaebelein, Author "Harmony of Prophetic Word," etc., etc. Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D.D. Author, Editor, Teacher.
Date: 1909
Publisher: Oxford University Press American Branch: New York, Henry Frowde: London, Toronto, and Melbourne
Contents: Bible
References: Hills 2192, Herbert 2157, Chamberlin see 48-1 for information on the New Scofield Bible, 1967
Images: Title page
Comments: Cloth board, octavo, thread stitiching; (6), 1362 & (32) pp incl. colour maps.

New and Improved Edition – 1917


Title: The Scofield Reference Bible. / The Holy Bible/ Containing the Old and New Testaments / Authorized Version / With a new system of connected topical references to all the greater themes of Scripture, with annotations, revised marginal renderings, summaries, definitions, chronology, and index, to which are added, helps at hard places, explanations of seeming discrepancies, and a new system of paragraphs / Edited by Rev. C.I. Scofield, D.D. / New and Improved Edition
Date: © 1909, 1917. © renewed, 1937, 1945 by Oxford University Press
Publisher: Oxford University Press: New York
Contents: Bible
References: Chamberlin see 48-1 for information on the New Scofield Bible, 1967
Images: Title page
Comments: Hardcover, octavo with DJ, thread stitiching; VI, 1362 & (20) pp incl. colour maps.

New Testament and Psalms – 1920


Title: The New Testament and Psalms With a New System of Connected Topical References to all the Greater Themes of Scripture, with Annotations, Revised Marginal Renderings, Summaries, Definitions, Chronology, and Index To which are added Helps at Hard Places, Explanations of Seeming Discrepancies, and a New System of Paragraphs. Edited by Rev. C. I. Scofield, D.D. Consulting Editors: Rev. Henry G. Weston, D.D., LL.D., President Crozer Theological Seminary. Rev. Prof. W.G. Moorehead, D.D., Prof. in Xenia (U.P.) Theological Seminary. Rev. James M. Gray, D.D., Dean of Moody Bible Institute. Rev. Elmore Harris, D.D. President of Toronto Bible Institute. Rev. William J. Erdman, D.D. Author "The Gospel of John," etc., etc. Arno C. Gaebelein, Author "Harmony of Prophetic Word," etc., etc. Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D.D. Author, Editor, Teacher. Rev. William L. Pettingill. D.D. Author, Editor, Teacher. New and Improved Edition.
Date: 1920
Publisher: New York: Oxford University Press , London, Toronto, Melbourne, Bombay
Contents: New Testament and Psalms
References: Hills see 2192
Images: Cover, Title page

New Scofield Reference Edition – 1967


Title: The New Scofield Reference Bible ❂ Holy Bible / Authorized King James Version ❂ With introductions, annotations, subject chain references, / and such word changes in the text as will help the reader. / Editor / C. I. Scofield, D.D. /
Editorial Committee of the New Edition / E. Schuyler English, Litt.D. / Chairman
Date: © 1967 by Oxford University Press. © 1909, 1917, © renewed 1937, 1945
Publisher: New York N.Y. (U.S.A.): Oxford University Press
Contents: Protestant Bible with annotations; Introductions to the 1967 and 1909 editions, Preface to the 1917 Ed.; A Panoramic View of the Bible; Miscellaneous Abbreviations; The Names and Oder of the Books of the Bible, Alphabetical List, Key to Pronunciation Symbols, How to Use the Index to Annotations (7 pp.); Proper Noun Changes (3 pp); Concise Concordance (188 pp); the New Oxford Bible Maps incl. Index (13 pp)
References:Chamberlin 48-1
Images: Title, Spine
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv-Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany

Comments: Leatherbound octavo; XIV, 1392, 192 pp & 9 colour maps.
This 1967 version contains in fact a revised A.V., as Eugene Schuyler English (1899 - 1981) had made word changes to the text; so this 3rd edition of the Scofield Bible can be called a modified version of the A.V. /KJV. Native English speakers will notice that here American spelling has been used.

E. Schuyler English wrote an extensive Introduction on behalf of the Editorial Committee dated Skytop, Pa, May 27, 1966. Concerning the translation he states:
»This is not a new translation of the Hebrew and Greek texts. Whereas the English text is definitely the King James Version, word changes have been made when clarification is needed. The principle adopted by the committee of revision is as follows: change (1) obsolete and archaic words; (2) words that have altered their meaning; (3) indelicate words or expressions; (4) relative pronouns (…) when referring to persons; (5) proper names to make them conform (…); and (6) in some few instances incorrect translations have been clarified.«
The previous Introduction to the 1909 edition and the Preface to the 1917 edition are included. This 1967 Scofield Bible has, contrary to the two previous editions, for the New Testament two margin columns with cross references, corrected wording and alternate readings. All OT & NT annotations have been revised and amended. New feature is a 188 pp concordance.
The list of individuals comprising the Editorial Committee contains these names:
Frank E. Gaebelein, William Culbertson, Charles L. Feinberg, Allan A. Mac Rae, Clarence E. Mason, Alva J. Mc Clain, Wilbur M. Smith, John F. Walvoord

New Scofield Study Bible – 1998


Title: The New Scofield Study Bible ● Genuine King James Version ❂ Holy Bible / Authorized King James Version ❂ New Scofield Study System / with introductions, annotations, subject chain references. / Editor / C. I. Scofield, D.D. / Reader's Edition / Red Letter Edition.
Editorial Committee of the New Edition / E. Schuyler English, Litt.D. / Chairman
Date: © 1998, 1967 by Oxford University Press. © 1909, 1917, © renewed 1937, 1945. 1st imprint [of the 1998 Ed.]
Publisher: New York N.Y. (U.S.A.): Oxford University Press
Contents: Protestant Bible with annotations; Introductions to the 1998, 1967 and 1909 editions, Preface to the 1917 Ed.; A Panoramic View of the Bible; Miscellaneous Abbreviations; The Names and Oder of the Books of the Bible, Alphabetical List, Index Chain References (2 pp.); Index to proper Names (27 pp); Concise Concordance (163 pp); the New Oxford Bible Maps incl. Index (20 pp)
Images: Front Cover, Back Cover, Title
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv-Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany

Comments: Hardcover octavo; XVIII, 1806 & 20 pp with 9 colour maps.

In the newly written "Introduction to the 1998 Editon", the Editors write:

"(…) several changes have been introduced into this fresh setting of the New Scofield Reference Bible of 1967. First and foremost, this edition has the classic King James Version (KJV) text of the original Scofield Reference Bible. Where the 1967 editors inserted alternate translations to help clarify obsolete and archaic words, these words have been moved to the margins, preceded, by "Or." In this edition, then, the standard KJV text is presented for public and personal reading, and the alternate translations are available to assist new and younger readers of the KJV.
Second, the cross references of the Old Testament have been greatly enhanced to bring this system more in line with the thoroughness of the New Testament system. Because of this, both Testaments are set with two text columns and two marginal columns. Note that the Scofield chain reference system was not altered in any way.
Third, sixty-six in-text maps and diagrams depicting various events and periods in biblical history appear throughout the Bible in relevant places..
Fouth, an Index to Proper Names precedes the concordance. (…)"

The extensive Introduction written by E. Schuyler English on behalf of the Editorial Committee dated Skytop, Pa, May 27, 1966 has been retained. See 1967 edition for details.
The list of individuals comprising the Editorial Committee, identical to the 1967 ed., contains these names:
Frank E. Gaebelein, William Culbertson, Charles L. Feinberg, Allan A. Mac Rae, Clarence E. Mason, Alva J. Mc Clain, Wilbur M. Smith, John F. Walvoord

Other Images

From left: ❶ 1937 Scofield Bible Cover; ❷ 1945 Scofield Bible Cover. ❸ Scofield Reference Bibles: from left: third 1967, second (1917)= 1945 and first 1909 edition.

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