KJV Commentary Bible
KJV Commentary Bible
The KJV Commentary Bible has notes and other helps. The cross-reference system is detailed below.
Title: KJV Commentary Bible James Version Red-Leter Edition
Date: 2006
Publisher: World Publishing: Nashville, Tennessee
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Cover, Title page, Back cover
Location: Harriotte B. Smith Library, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, USA
Comments: The cross reference system based on symbols. A cross indicates Messianic prophecies, a sun symbol indicates promises, a burning bush symbol denotes miracles and a crown indicates prophecies of the second coming. An R in a verse denotes a reference tied to words of phrases in verses; a T refers to alternative readings. References in brackets indicate allusions to other verses.
page revision: 1, last edited: 25 May 2016 03:42