King James Version - Other Editions

Other editions of the King James Bible

The purpose of this page is to collect some of the wide variety of King James Bibles and Testaments that have been published over the years.

Expository Notes, with Practical Observations by William Burkitt

William Burkitt (1650-1703) was a vicar and lecturer in Dedham, England. Burkitt was the son of a Puritan minister, but he became a conforming Reformed clergyman of the Church of England. He is best known for his Expository Notes on the New Testament. Matthew through John was published in 1700 and Acts through Revelation in 1703. After Burkitt’s death in 1703 it went through a number of printings in England. The Notes were very popular going through at least twenty editions during the 19th Century. Both Matthew Henry and Charles Spurgeon valued Burkitt’s work and recommended it highly.

The first American Edition was published in 1794 in New Haven and the second edition (erroneously called the First American Edition on the title page) was published in 1796 by Dunning & Hyer in New York and by William W. Woodward in Philadelphia. It is possible that they began in New York but were unable to finance the venture (even with subscribers) and sold the remaining sheets to Woodward who published them with a new title page. The American editions are large folio volumes and would have been very expensive to purchase.

The New Testament text is the King James Version with few, if any alterations. Burkitt's notes are placed after the biblical text.

British Editions

Tenth Edition - 1734


Title: Expository Notes, with Practical Observations, on the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Wherein The Sacred Text is at large Recited, the Sense Explained, and the Instructive Example of the Blessed Jesus and his Holy Apostles to our Imitation Recommended. The Whole designed to encourage the Reading of the Scriptures in Private Families, and to render the Daily Perusal of them Profitable and Delightful. Endeavored by William Burkitt, M.A. Late Vicar and Lecturer of Dedham in Essex. The Tenth Edition carefully Corrected.
Date: Tenth Edition: 1734 (Gospels published 1700, Acts to Revelation published 1703).
Publisher: London: Printed for James, John and P. Knapton, in Ludgate-Street; D. Midwinter, R. Robinson, C. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church Yard; A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Osborn and T. Longman, Jer. Batley, in Pater-noster-Row; J. Downing, in Bartholomew-Close; R. Ford, R. Hett, in Poultry; F. Clay, without Temple-Bar; A. Ward in Little-Britain; T. Ward and E. Wicksteed, in the Inner-Temple-Lane; J. Clarke, in Duck-Lane; and T. Hatchett, under the Royal-Exchange.
Contents: New Testament withBurkitt's Notes
Images: Title page
Comments: This appears to follow the Authorized or King James Version very closely, but I have discovered a few minor variations from the KJV.

American Editions

Second American Edition - 1796


Title: First American Edition. Expository Notes, with Practical Observations, on the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Wherein The Sacred Text is at Large Recited, the Sense Explained, and the Instructive Example of the Blessed Jesus, and his Holy Apostles, to our Imitation Recommended. The Whole Designed to Encourage the Reading of the Scriptures in Private Families, and to Render the Daily Perusal of them Profitable and Delightful. By William Burkitt, M.A. Late Vicar and Lecturer of Dedham in Essex. From the Twentieth European Edition, Carefully Corrected. Philadelphia: Printed by William W. Woodward, Chestnut Street, No. 16, Franklin's Head. 1796.
Date: 1796
Publisher: Philadelphia: Printed by William W. Woodward, Chestnut Street, No. 16, Franklin's Head.
Contents: New Testament with Burkitt's Notes
Images: Title page

Family Bible by Justin Edwards


Title: Family Bible The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. With Brief Notes and Instructions, by Rev. Justin Edwards, D.D.
Date: 1851
Publisher: New York: American Tract Society
Contents: New Testament
References: Hills: 1476
Images: Title page

New Testament Expounded and Illustrated by Clement Moody


Title: The New Testament Expounded and Illustrated, According to the usual Marginal References, In the Very Words of Holy Scripture. Together with the Notes and Translations, And a Complete Marginal Harmony of the Gospels. By Clement Moody, M.A., Magdalen Hall, Oxford, Perpetual Curate of Sebergham,
Date: British Edition 1851, American Edition 1852
Publisher: New York: George Lane & Levi Scott
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin 552-7, Hills 1510, Taliaferro CN00076.
Images: Title page

Constantine Tischendorf - Authorized Version with Various Readings

The basic text in this volume is the Authorised (or King James) Version. However, variations from the three manuscripts (Sinaitic, Vatican, and Alexandrine) are noted in notes at the bottom of each page. Both omissions and additions are noted.

1869 Leipzig ed.


Title: The New Testament: / The Authorized English Version: / with Introduction, and Various Readings from the Three Most Celebrated Manuscripts of the Original Greek Text, / By Constantine Tischendorf
Date: 1869
Publisher: Leipzig, Saxonia (Germany): Bernhard Tauchnitz. Tauchnitz Edition, Volume 1000.
Contents: New Testament. –Dedication. Introduction. – Names and Order of the Books of the New Testament.
Images: (Cover & title page)
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden (Germany).
Comment: Hardcover small octavo, thread stitching; gilt edges; XVI, 414 & [2] pp. Scripture text in double column, copious footnotes with alternate readings. The Introduction by Constantine Tischendorf, 10 pp. is dated Leipzig, Christmas, 1868.


Images from left: Title page, left side. Front page with publisher´s note. Open pages: Revelation

1870 Pott & Amery ed.


Title: The New Testament: The Authorized English Version; / with Introduction, and Various Readings from the Three Most Celebrated Manuscripts of the Original Greek Text. / By Constantine Tischendorf.
Date: 1870
Publisher: New York N.Y. (U.S.A.): Pott and Amery. Tauchnitz Edition, Volume 1000.
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin 601-4 (Chamberlin lists this under New Testament Selections but it is a complete New Testament.)
Images: Title page

Critical English New Testament (KJV)


Title: A Critical English New Testament: Presenting at one view the Authorised Version and the Results of the Criticism of the Original Text. Second Edition
Date: 1870 (second edition 1871)
Publisher: London: Samuel Bagster and Sons
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin 560-1, Herbert see 1983, Taliaferro-EELBV 7520.
Images: Title page
Facsimile: A PDF facsimile of the first edition is available at
Facsimile: A PDF facsimile of the second edition is available at

Clark & Pendleton - Brief Notes on the New Testament (KJV)


Title: Brief Notes on The New Testament. The Gospels, by Geo. W. Clark, D.D.; The Acts, Epistles, and Revelation, by J.M. Pendleton, D.D.
Date: 1884
Publisher: American Baptist Publication Society: Philadelphia
Contents: New Testament
Images: Cover, Title page

Horace E. Morrow - New Testament Emphasized (KJV)


Title: The New Testament Emphasized based on a study of The Original Greek Text by Rev. Horace E. Morrow
Date: 1897
Publisher: Middletown, CT: Charles Reynolds
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin 564-2; Hills 2085
Images: Cover, Title page
Facsimile: A PDF facsimile is available at

Ashley S. Johnson - Self-Interpreting New Testament


Title: The Self-interpreting New Testament Compiled and Arranged by President Ashley S. Johnson. Published by the Author Kimberlin Heights, Tenn. Price Prepaid. $2.00. Press of Gaut-Odgen Company, Knoxville, Tenn.
Date: 1898
Publisher: Published by the Author Kimberlin Heights, Tenn. Press of Gaut-Odgen Company, Knoxville, Tenn.
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin 585-4; Hills 2117
Images: Title page
Comments: Although no date of publication appears in the book, the card catalog at Glass Memorial Library, Johnson Bible College, lists the date as 1898.
Comments: An on-line electronic version (with errata) is available at
Reprints: This was re-printed by the Baker Book House in 1958. Cover, Title page

Wilmore's New Analytical Reference Bible


Title: Wilmore‘s New Analytical Reference Bible
Containing the Following / Four Invaluable Aids to the Proper Study of the Word of God; /
The Holy Bible, [Authorized English Version, Standard Oxford Ed.] / With Marginal Notes and Analytical References. /
Comprehensive Bible Helps; / Arranged in alphabetical order. / Revised and edited by Philip Schaff, D.D., LL.D /
A Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible; / The Whole Bible Arranged in Subjects.
Edited by Roswell D. Hitchcock, D.D., LL.D. / Diligently Compared and Revised.
Cruden‘s Concordance to the Bible. / Revised by John Eadie, D.D., LL.D. / Illustrated with Maps and Engravings.
Date: 1909. Copyright, 1891, by J. A. Wilmore. Assigned, 1902, to Henry F. Giere.
Publisher: New York, N.Y. (U.S.A.): Henry F. Giere.
(stamped with) London, England (U.K.): Thomas Hawkins
Contents: Protestant Bible, with analysis and comprehensive study helps. Cruden's concordance to the Bible.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Leather-bound quarto, sewn binding. Part I: 1128 & 4 maps pp; (8) pp Family Record. Part II: 1062 pp. (=Complete Analysis and Cruden‘s Concordance).
Part One: Philip Schaff‘s preface precedes the A.V. text: arranged in double column, cross references in inner and outer margin; indicator for the Analysis section between the columns.
Part Two contains: Instructive and useful information on every subject of interest in the Bible: A concise history, a condensed harmony of the Gospels; all the Scripture proper names with their pronunciation and meaning; the coins, weights, and measures of the Bible; all Bible words of obsolete and peculiar meaning (685 pp). - Alphabetical index of subjects (31 pp). Cruden‘s Concordance (343 pp.)

➊ Size comparison of three Study Bibles with KJV/ AV text: from left, Wilmore's New Analytical Reference Bible, Dickson's New Analytical SB and
the Newberry Bible (Portable Edition).

D.A. Sommer - Simplified New Testament (KJV)


Title: Simplified New Testament Authorized Version Black-face Type — Self-Prounoncing in Part — Definitions of Hundreds of Words, Uncommon or Out of Use — Simplified Translations of Hundreds of Hard Passages — References on the Thought and Not Mere Words and at the beginning of each book is An Account of the Writer, The Ones Written To, and the Subject Written On; and an Important Out-line of the Argument in the Book, With Carefully Prepared Headings Scattered Through the Book Edited by D.A. Sommer. Preacher, Teacher, and Writer on the Bible and Bible Subjects Alone for Twenty-five Years.
Date: 1923
Publisher: Indianapolis: Indiana: "Simplified Bible" House; Colne: England: "Bible Advocate"
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin 605-6, Taliaferro-EELBV 7770.
Images: Cover, Title page

Fernand Faivre - New Testament with Notes (KJV)


Title: The New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ (King James Version) with Notes Intended to Point Out the Essential Truth It Contains by Fernand Faivre - Translated From the Fifth French Edition by Alice Fontannaz
Date: 1936
Publisher: Lausanne: Printing-Office La Concorde
Contents: New Testament
References: Hills see 2518
Images: Cover, Title page

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society edition

This is the edition of the King James Version published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.


Title: The Holy Bible containing the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command Appointed to be Read in Churches Authorized King James Version ▪ the text conformable to that of the edition of 1611, commonly Known as the Authorized or King James Version
Date: 1942?
Publisher: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society: New York
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Title page
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Comments: The Watchtower started the print the KJV in 1942; as of 1992, 1,858,368 copies had been printed1.

Edward J. Craddock - Christ Emphasis New Testament

This is the King James Version with all names, pronouns, and words referring to Jesus printed in ALL CAPS.

From the Preface: The CHRIST Emphasis Bible or the CHRIST Emphasis New Testament is based on the fact that the Bible is God's message by the Holy Spirit. God's word, each book and chapter, emphasizes CHRIST in JESUS, the SON OF GOD, the SON OF MAN, the LORD. God speaks by the Holy Spirit through His SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, in the message of the scriptures. God's word has its own emphasis and application"

"All references to CHRIST are capitalized and italicized to show the CHRIST emphasis of God's word."

"Each chapter has a CHRIST emphasis, contextual heading and CHRIST emphasis contextual subheadings."


Title: The Christ Emphasis New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Translated Out of the Original Tongues and With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised King James Version 1611 C E B Jehovah Lord Infinity By Edward J. Craddock
Date: 1967
Publisher: Nashville, Tennessee: Bible Emphasis Publishers
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin 589-1, Taliaferro-EELBV 8045.
Images: Cover, Title page
Comments: This was privately printed by Craddock and only a limited number were produced.

Latter-day Saint (Mormon) edition

Complete Bible

This is the edition of the King James Version used by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the Mormons). It contains cross-references to the Book of Mormon as well as to other books used by the Mormons. A bible dictionary, maps, topical guide, and quotes from the Joseph Smith Translation are also printed. An article in the October 1979 issue of Ensign describes the process in creating this bible; it can be read here. A 2013 revision fixed typos and made some changes to spelling and punctuation.

For the Spanish edition of the Bible used by the Mormons, click here.


Title: The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command Authorized King James Version with explanatory notes and cross references to the standard works of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Date: 1979
Publisher: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.
URL: (2013 revision)
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Spine, Title page
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Comments: This edition was printed in 1999. Printed copies may be ordered from the Mormons at

Gift edition

Title: The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments in the King James Version translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised self-pronouncing
Date: 1977, 1984
Publisher: Elm Hill Press
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Cherry Point Baptist Church, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Comments: The inside front cover says: This Holy Bible Is a Gift from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This can be seen here.

New Testament


Title: The New Testament King James Version
Date: 1994
Publisher: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Contents: New Testament
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Comments: This edition was printed in 1999; it is part of a set of Mormon scriptures printed for the military2 . These photos are from eBay auction 154124872755.

➊ Book covers ➋ Book spines

Seminars Unlimited edition

Seminars Unlimited is a Texas based evangelism organization connected to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


Title: The Holy Bible Containing the Old And New Testaments Translated Out of the Original Greek and With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised By His Majesty's Special Command Authorized King James Version Appointed to be read in Churches
Date: 1983? (copyright date of the New Life Guide)
Publisher: Seminars Unlimited: Keene, Texas
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Cover and spine, Title page, Publication information, Helps title page, Helps table of contents
Comments: The words Christ Our Hope Crusade are printed on the front cover. The New Life Guide and a concordance can be found in the back. The New Life Guide was copyrighted by Today, Inc. Clyde Provonsha is listed as an illustrator.

The One Year Bible

The One Year Bible divides the Bible into readings for each day of the year. Selections from Old and New Testaments, a Psalm and a few proverbs are read per day. Besides the King James Version, The One Year Bible is available in other translations such the The Living Bible, New Living Translation, and the New International Version among others.


Title: The One Year Bible Arranged in 365 Daily Readings King James Version
Date: 1987 (third printing, September 1988)
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers: Wheaton, IL
Contents: Bible
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA

M.F. Morris - Kwikscan Bible

This is the King James Version in Kwikscan. This system lets the reader read the words printed in bold letters. According to the publisher, this increases reading speed and comprehension. The complete text is printed; no words have been deleted.

For the Kwikscan edition of The Living Bible, click here.


Title: Holy Bible Complete Authorized King James Version in KWIKSCAN™
Date: 1988
Publisher: Windermere, Florida: Micro-Books, Inc.
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Cover, Title page.
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Comments: Berean Bible Publishers has reprinted these Bibles in recent years.

King James Bible for Use on Game Boy

Wisdom Tree, Inc. is a company that produces Christian-themed video games; their website is at This item contains the King James Version with a word search engine and games.


Title: The Holy Bible King James Version Rom 1.00 (C) Wisdom Tree, Inc.
Date: 1994
Publisher: Wisdom Tree, Inc.: Brea, California
Contents: Complete Bible and games
Images: Box front, Title, cartridge, Box back.
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Comments: This is a cartridge for the Nintendo Game Boy portable video game device.

Pocket Canons

The Pocket Canons were a series of booklets that featured the text of a book of the Bible alongside an introduction by a famous author or some other notable. The series was first published in the United Kingdom by Canongate Books in 1998. Grove Press released the Pocket Canons in the United States the following year. The series became controversial in the United Kingdom amid claims that some of the introductions were blasphemous. An account of the controversy appeared in The Independent newspaper in October 1998; it can be read here. A sampling of the series is listed below.


Title: Ecclesiastes or, the Preacher with an introduction by Doris Lessing
Date: 1999
Publisher: Grove Press: New York
Contents: Ecclesiastes
Facsimile: A facsimile is available on the Internet Archive website.
Images: Cover, Title page, Back cover
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA


Title: The Gospel According to John with an introduction by Darcey Steinke
Date: 1999
Publisher: Grove Press: New York
Contents: Gospel of John
Facsimile: A facsimile is available on the Internet Archive website.
Images: Cover, Title page, Back cover
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA

KJV Commentary Bible

The KJV Commentary Bible has notes and other helps. The cross-reference system is detailed below.


Title: KJV Commentary Bible James Version Red-Leter Edition
Date: 2006
Publisher: World Publishing: Nashville, Tennessee
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Cover, Title page, Back cover
Location: Harriotte B. Smith Library, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, USA
Comments: The cross reference system based on symbols. A cross indicates Messianic prophecies, a sun symbol indicates promises, a burning bush symbol denotes miracles and a crown indicates prophecies of the second coming. An R in a verse denotes a reference tied to words of phrases in verses; a T refers to alternative readings. References in brackets indicate allusions to other verses.

DEFINED King James Bible

The text of the King James Bible with obscure words highlighted and defined in the footnotes. It uses the text from the 1769 Cambridge edition and does not include the Apocrypha.

It was prepared by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D., D. A. Waite, Jr., M.A., M.L.A., Pastor S. H. Tow, D.D. M.D., Daniel S. Waite, M.A. M.Div.


Title: The DEFINED King James Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty's special command. The Authorized King James Bible Unaltered, Medium Print, with Uncommon Words Defined Cambridge 1769 Text.
Date: 2007
Publisher: The Bible For Today Press: Collingswood, New Jersey
Contents: Bible
References: Taliaferro-EELBV CBN-0016.
Images: Cover, Title page

The First Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Science) edition

This is the edition of the King James Version used by The First Church of Christ, Scientist (also known as Christian Science). Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy often used the King James Version.


Title: The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command Appointed to be Read in Churches Authorized King James Version
Date: 2010
Publisher: The Christian Science Publishing Society: Boston, MA
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Cover, Title page, Publication information, Back cover
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA

BRG Bible

The BRG Bible was produced by BRG Bible Ministries. The words of God are in blue, the words of Jesus are in red; the Holy Spirit is in gold. Words spoken by angels and other beings are underlined in blue and Old Testament Messianic prophecies are underlined in red. More information can be found at their website at


Title: King James BRG Bible® Old and New Testament Blue Red & Gold Letter™ KJV Bible Words of God in Blue Words of Jesus Christ in Red Name of the Holy Spirit in Gold Words of Angels underlined in Blue (And other Heavenly Hosts) Prophecies/Indicators of Christ underlined in Red
Date: 2012
Publisher: WestBow Press: Bloomington, IN
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Cover, Title page
Comments: It is only available as an ebook; this is the Amazon Kindle edition.


Title: King James BRG Bible® New Testament Blue Red & Gold Letter™ KJV New Testament Words of God in Blue Words of Jesus Christ in Red Name of the Holy Spirit in Gold Words of Angels underlined in Blue (And other Heavenly Hosts)
Date: 2013
Publisher: WestBow Press: Bloomington, IN
Contents: New Testament
Images: Cover, Title page
Comments: It is only available as an ebook; this is the Amazon Kindle edition.

Steve Wells - The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

The Skeptic's Annotated Bible has notes that analyze the Bible from a skeptical perspective.


Title: The Skeptic's Annotated Bible The King James Version from a skeptic's point of view
Date: 2012
Publisher: SAB Books, LLC
ISBN: 9780988245105
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Cover, Title page
Comments: The notes in the The Skeptic's Annotated Bible comprise of the following categories: absurdity, injustice, cruelty and violence, intolerance, good stuff, contradictions, science and history, family values, interpretation, misogyny, sex, prophecy, language, boring stuff and homosexuality.

King James Version Gold Print Standard

This edition of the King James Version is by Above Gold Ministries; it has the words of God in the Old Testament and certain parts of the New Testament in gold.


Title: King James Version Gold Print Standard
Date: October 29, 2014
Publisher: WestBow Press: Bloomington, IN
Contents: Bible
Images: Cover, Title page
Comments: This is the Amazon Kindle edition.

The Life Recovery Bible

The Life Recovery Bible has devotionals based around the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, the Serenity Prayer and recovery princples. Other helps are also included.


Title: The Life Recovery® Bible King James Version
Date: 2014
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers: Carol Stream, Illinois
Contents: Bible
Images: Cover, Title
Comments: The Life Recovery Bible was originally released in 1998; it is also available in The Living Bible and the New Living Translation. This is the Amazon Kindle edition.

The Names of God Bible

The Names of God Bible emphasizes the names and titles of God and Jesus. This is intended to help the reader use them as a basis when praying. Yahweh, Elohim, and Yeshua are used for Lord, God and Jesus, respectively.

For the God's Word edition of the Names of God Bible, click here.


Title: The Names of God King James Version Bible General Editor Ann Spangler Contributing Editor Lavonne Neff
Date: 2014
Publisher: Revell: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Contents: Complete Bible
Images: Cover, Title page
References: Bradford Taliaferro's The Bible Hunter blog, February 9, 2015.

Bible Emoji


The Bible Emoji is a rendition of the King James Version into emojis; these are pictographs used on smartphones and on the web. They first became popular on Japanese cell phones in the 1990s. The creators identify themselves using an image of a smiley face wearing sunglasses (pictured to the right).


Title: Bible Emoji Scripture 4 Millenials
Date: 2016
Publisher: Apple iBooks: Cupertino, CA
Contents: Bible
References: Pesce, Nicole Lyn. "Bible Emoji translates scripture into pictures for Millennials." New York Daily News. Daily News, L.P., 30 May 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2017. <>.
Images: Cover, Title page (shows Genesis 1:1-8)
Comments: Millennials is spelled “Millenials”; this appears to be intentional. This was only available for iBooks; the software is available for the Macintosh, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.

Summary Bible

The Summary Bible contains summaries of every book and chapter of the Bible.


Title: Summary Bible KJV Edition
Date: 2016
Publisher: Holman Bible Publishers: Nashville
Contents: Bible
References: Taliaferro-EELBV 9080.
Images: Box front, Spine, Title page, Box back
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Comments: This edition appears to print the Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJV.

Comfort print edition

Complete Bible


Title: The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated Out of the Original Tongues and With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised Authorized King James Version
Date: 2018
ISBN: 9780785218029
Publisher: Thomas Nelson: Nashville
Contents: New Testament
Images: Slipcase front, Spine, Title page, Back cover
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA (formerly)
Comments: According to the publisher, comfort print is designed to allow readers "to linger, engage, and deeply explore God’s Word as their eyes flow smoothly along the lines of text". It is also available in the New International, New King James and New Revised Standard versions. More details can be found on Thomas Nelson's website.

New Testament


Title: The Holy Bible Containing the New Testament Translated Out of the Original Tongue and With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised Authorized King James Version
Date: 2018
ISBN: 9780785218029
Publisher: Thomas Nelson: Nashville
Contents: New Testament
Images: Front cover, Title page, Back cover
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA (formerly)

Filament edition


Title: Filament enabled Holy Bible King James Version Giant print KJV personal size KJV
Date: 2021 (publication date from the publisher's website)
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers: Carol Stream, Illinois
Contents: Bible
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Images: Front of box, Spine, Title, Back of box
Comments: This edition comes with an mobile application (or "app") that contains links to digital content; Tyndale has more details here. The Filament Bible is also available in the New Living Translation; more about this edition is here.

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