Click here for sample verses from the «Keter – Crown Bible«
Title: The Keter Crown Bible ✡ תנ’’ך הכתר חורב
תורה נביאים כתובים ✡ Torah Nevi´im Ketuvim /
Masoretic text based on the Aleppo Codex / and related manuscripts / According to the system of Rabbi Mordechai Breuer.
A new bilingual edition / With introductions and appendices. [English translation by Rav Ravi Shahar, editor in chief]
Date: Ⓒ 2004
Publisher: Jerusalem (Israel): Horev publishing house. ירושליםֿ, הוצאת חורב
Contents: Hebrew Bible or Tanakh. B/w maps (34 pp); order of Haftarot and Torah reading (16 pp); Preface by the Publisher (10 pp bilingual); Introduction by Raphael Jospe (29 pp bilingual).
Language: Hebrew and English
References: Taliaferro-EELBV 8900.
Images: Title page, Title page Cover
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: ("Keter" is Hebrew for "Crown".) Hardcover, boxed, small octavo with sewn binding, (12) & 1172, 1087 of which are double pp.
Michael Zeev of Horev Press writes in his preface, dated Tammuz 5664 / July 2004, about the Horev Bible according to the Aleppo (Crown) Codex, which was first published (in Hebrew) in 5757 / 1997, in regard to the English translation:
»The new English translation is intended to serve a broad spectrum of readers. It does not claim to be scientific, nor is it intended only for Biblical scholars. The guidelines we set were that the translation, so far as possible, should (a) be a literal and grammatical translation of the plain meaning of the text, (b) reflect traditional Jewish exegesis over the ages, (c) employ contemporary and easily understood spoken English. Again, in order to facilitate the reader's ability to find the desired passage, we divided the translation into paragraphs, and added headlines indented into the text, calling the reader's attention to the main theme of the paragraph.«
The Masoretic Hebrew is on the right, the translation on the left side of a double page. Brief explanations in footnotes. The multi- purpose introduction at the end of the book also serve as intros to the biblical scriptures.
Birnbaum's remark: Compared to the revised Koren Tanakh of 2010, the translation is at times more precise, e. g. Bereshit 2:3 reads closer to the Hebrew, »GOD blessed the seventh day and sanctified it; for on it He ceased from all His work that GOD created to be done«, but inferior to the Koren translation is e.g. Bereshit 4:7: »Look, if you better yourself, you will be pardoned, but if you do not better yourself, sin crouches by the entrance; it yearns for you but you can rule over it.« The Koren translates the Hebrew gender of the crouching snake (male) correctly, »… yet thou mayst rule over him.«
From left: ❶ Keter-Crown & Koren Tanakh