Kabba-Laka Gospel of John
Laka or Kabba-Laka is one of the Sara languages of Chad.
Title: Tar Ke Madji Ke Jean Da Mè Mbêti Ti
Date: 1948
Publisher: American Bible Society: New York
Language: Kabba-Laka
Contents: Gospel of John
References: Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 594.
Images: Cover, Title page
Translation History
1948 John, 1950 Mark by the British & Foreign Bible Society and American Bible Society, London and New York
1960 New Testament British & Foreign Bible Society, London
Translated by M. W. Kennedy, Brethren Mission, with the assistance of Pierre Ngondje and Paul Bobeta.
— From The Book of a Thousand Tongues entry 594.
page revision: 1, last edited: 22 Feb 2016 21:54