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Year A Readings
Title: An Inclusive-Language Lectionary Readings for Year A Revised Edition Prepared for voluntary use in churches by the Inclusive-Language Lectionary Committee appointed by the Division of Education and Ministry, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
Date: 1983 (revised version 1986)
Publisher: Published for The Cooperative Publication Association by John Knox Press: Atlanta, The Pilgrim Press: New York, The Westminster Press: Philadelphia
Contents: Revised Common Lectionary reading for Year A
References: Taliaferro-BVE CN00480, Taliaferro-EELBV 8255.085, 8255.100.
Images: Cover, Title page
Year B Readings
Title: An Inclusive-Language Lectionary Readings for Year B Prepared for experimental and voluntary use in churches by the Inclusive-Language Lectionary Committee appointed by the Division of Education and Ministry, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
Date: 1984 (revised version 1987)
Publisher: Published for The Cooperative Publication Association by John Knox Press: Atlanta, The Pilgrim Press: New York, The Westminster Press: Philadelphia
Contents: Revised Common Lectionary reading for Year B
References: Taliaferro-BVE CN00480, Taliaferro-EELBV 8255.090, 9255.110.
Images: Cover, Title page, Revised Edition Cover, Revised Edition Title page
Year C Readings
Title:An Inclusive-Language Lectionary Readings for Year C Prepared for experimental and voluntary use in churches by the Inclusive-Language Lectionary Committee appointed by the Division of Education and Ministry, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
Date: 1985 (revised version 1988)
Publisher: Published for The Cooperative Publication Association by John Knox Press: Atlanta, The Pilgrim Press: New York, The Westminster Press: Philadelphia
Contents: Revised Common Lectionary reading for Year C
References: Taliaferro-BVE CN00480, Taliaferro-EELBV 8255.095, 8255.120.
Images: Cover, Title page