Title: The Interlineary Hebrew and English Psalter. In which The Construction of Every Word is Indicated, and the Root of each Distinguished by the Use of Hollow and Other Types.
Date: None Given. (1898) Here: Nineteenth Edition, undated (prior to 1952)
Publisher: London W1, England (U.K.): Samuel Bagster and Sons
New York, N.Y. (U.S.A.): Harper and Brothers
Contents: Psalms 1 to 150
Language: Hebrew and English
Images: Title page, Sample page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv- Birnbaum. Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardbound small octavo, 240 pp. For the general layout see image of page showing Ps. 23. The undated preface states that „The English translation has been made as literal as seemed practically useful; and the greatest possible uniformity in rendering the Hebrew has been preserved.“