Title The / Holy Bible, / Translated from / The Latin Vulgate: / Diligently Compared / with the Hebrew, Greek, and Other Editions in Divers Languages. / The / Old Testament, / First Published by the English College at Douay, A.D. 1609. / and / The New Testament, / First Published by the English College at Rhemes, A.D. 1582. / with / Useful Notes, / Critical, Historical, Controversial, and Explanatory. / Selected / from the Most Eminent Commentators, and the Most Able and Judicious Critics. / by the Rev. Geo. Leo Haydock, / and Other Divines. / Embellished with Twenty Superb Engravings. / Philadelphia: / Printed and Published by Eugene Cummiskey. / 1825.
Date 1825
Publisher Eugene Cummiskey, Philadelphia
Contents The complete Bible in the Douay Version as revised first by Challoner and later by MacMahon with extended annotations by Fathers George Leo Haydock (1774-1849), Benedict Rayment (1764-1842), et al.
References HILLS 518, POPE 721-8, O’CALLAGHAN 170, & OHLHAUSEN BA 3.
Images: Title page
Comments The first American edition of the Haydock Bible and the only folio English Catholic Bible ever published in America.
Recent Sales A copy of this edition sold for $2,551 on Ebay on November 2, 2017 (Ebay No. 282709293501).