Title: The New Testament / A Translation / [by] David Bentley Hart
Date: ⓒ 2017
Publisher: New Haven CT (U.S.A.): Yale University Press
Contents: New Testament in the traditional order •• Acknowledgements • A Note on Transliteration • Introduction •• Concluding Scientific Postscript.
Images: Cover of DJ, title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover large octavo with DJ; sewn binding, XXXVI, (2) & 578 pp. Scripture texts in single column paragraph–wise set. Word- and other explanations, alternate readings, cross references in footnotes.
In his Introduction the author presents the following topics: The Purpose of This Translation • Matters of Style • The Community of the New Testament • Remarks on the Greek Text and on My Footnotes.
In this last mentioned paragraph Hart gives grounds for his decision which Greek text to use, »For this reason I have worked from the so–called Critical Text, which is based on earlier and different manuscript sources (such as those of the Alexandrine Text–type), though I have also included many verses and phrases found only in the Majority Text (placing them in brackets to set them off from the Critical Text). Even here, I should note, each of these versions exist in differing forms, and I have accorded none of them absolute authority. In the course of my work, though taking the most recent scholarship on the Critical Text as my guide, I consulted editions going far back as the edition of Westcott and Hort from 1881 and as far forward as the current editions of the Nestle/ Aland Novum Testamentum Graece (currently in is twenty-eighth edition) and The Greek New Testament of the United Bible Societies (currently in its fifth edition), as well as various reproductions of ancient manuscripts (to the degree that my meager palaeographic skills allowed).« Apart from those mentioned, the NTG of Robinson & Pierpont, of Hodges & Farstad and the 1904 Patriarchal Text of the Greek Orthodox Church have been used. [It needs to be mentioned that D. B. Hart is an Eastern Orthodox Scholar of religion.]
The Concluding Scientific Postscript is worthy to be read. Its paragraphs are: A Note on the Prologue of John´s Gospel • Translating Certain Words: 1) aionios. 2) gehenna. 3) Ioudaios. 4) logos. 5) proörizein. 6) anthropos. 7) erga / ergon. 8) hypokrites. 9) ethne. 10) dikaios. 11) pistis. 12) lytron. 13) kosmos. 14) metanoia. 15) psyche. 16) pneuma. 17) sarx. 18) porneia. 19) makarios. • Notes on Authorship.