Alexander Harkavy’s translation is the King James version with a number of passages modified “which have been mistranslated or colored to suit Christian dogma." He chose the King James Version because it is “regarded as classic English and because it is esteemed throughout the English-speaking world.” In making the changes, Harkavy followed the “best ancient and modern commentators and translators.” In addition, he also made some changes in the language to bring it in line with modern usage. If a word was considered too obsolete he substituted a modern equivalent. He also updated the spelling to reflect modern usage. All the changes follow the general style and language of the Authorized Version.
Click here for sample verses from the version by Alexander Harkavy.
Title: (4 line in Hebrew) The Twenty-four Books of the Old Testament. Hebrew Text and English Version. Translation Revised by Alexander Harkavy. Vol. I.
Date: 1916
Publisher: Hebrew Publishing Company: New York
Contents: Volume 1 - The Pentateuch, The Earlier Prophets
References: Chamberlin 120-4, Hills 2227a, Taliaferro-BVE CN00133, Taliaferro-EELBV 7740.
Comments: The English text is the Authorized Version emended to make the language conform to modern usage. Among the passage emended are all those which have been mistranslated or colored to suit Christian dogma.
Images: Title page
Title: (4 line in Hebrew) The Twenty-four Books of the Old Testament. Hebrew Text and English Version. Translation Revised by Alexander Harkavy. Vol. II.
Date: 1916
Publisher: Hebrew Publishing Company: New York
Contents: Volume II - The Later Prophets, The Hagiographa
References: Chamberlin 120-4, Hills 2227a, Taliaferro-BVE CN00133, Taliaferro-EELBV 7740.
Comments: The English text is the Authorized Version emended to make the language conform to modern usage. Among the passage emended are all those which have been mistranslated or colored to suit Christian dogma.
Images: Title page
Title: Psalms תהלים. Revised in Accordance with Jewish Tradition and Modern Biblical Scholarship
Date: © 1936, © 1939
Publisher: New York N.Y. (U.S.A.): Hebrew Publishing Company
Contents: Hebrew Bible, Tehilim (Psalms)
References: Taliaferro-EELBV 7740.
Language: English only
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv- Birnbaum, Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardbound 12°, unpaginated (109 pp). The Publishers do not state the translator's name. Scripture text in double columns; Psalm headings included.