The Breakthrough Version (also known as The Bible for a New Generation) seeks to be an easily understood version while correcting readings and obsolete word meanings in other translations. More information can be found at the translator's website at
For sample verses from the Breakthrough Version, click here.
The Bible for a New Generation - 2011-12
Romans -2011
Title: How to be Right The Bible for a New Generation Romans
Date: 2011
Publisher: MCII: Ellsworth, KS
ISBN: 1466395788
Contents: Romans
References: Taliaferro-EELBV UBV-0048.
Images: cover, title
Comments: Amazon lists a publication date of January 6, 2012; the commentary and questions are by Geide.
Galatians - 2012
Title: Step Away From the Law The Bible for a New Generation Galatians
Date: 2012
Publisher: MCII: Ellsworth, KS
ISBN: 1468071203
Contents: Galatians
References: Taliaferro-EELBV UBV-0048.
Images: cover, title
Comments: The commentary and questions are by Geide.
Breakthrough Version - 2015
Title: How to be Right Breakthrough Version Romans
Date: 2015
Publisher: Breakthrough Version Publishing: Wichita, KS
ISBN: 1505816335
Contents: Romans
References: see Taliaferro-EELBV UBV-0048.
Images: cover, title
Comments: The commentary and questions are by Geide.
Title: Step Away From the Law Breakthrough Version Galatians
Date: 2015
Publisher: Breakthrough Version Publishing: Wichita, KS
ISBN: 1505830273
Contents: Galatians
References: see Taliaferro-EELBV UBV-0048.
Images: cover, title
Comments: The commentary and questions are by Geide.
1-3 John
Title: What Part of "Love One Another" Don't You Understand? First John, Second John, and Third John Breakthrough Version
Date: 2015
Publisher: Breakthrough Version Publishing: Wichita, KS
ISBN: 1480130168
Contents: 1-3 John
References: Amazon
Images: cover, title
Comments: The commentary and questions are by Geide.
New Testament (E–Book)
Title: New Testament Breakthrough Version Translated by Ray Geide
Date: 2015
Publisher: Breakthrough Version Publishing: Wichita, KS
ISBN: 9780962801259
Contents: New Testament
References: Bradford Taliaferro's The Bible Hunter blog, May 30, 2015.
Images: cover, title
Comments: The New Testament can be downloaded in various formats at Smashwords for a fee. Printed copies are available from Amazon.
New Testament • Breakthrough Version (BV) (Paperback Version)
Title: New Testament • Breakthrough Version (BV)
Translated by Ray Geide
Date: ⓒ 2015 by Ray Geide
Publisher: Wichita KS (U.S.A.): Breakthrough Version Publishing
Contents: New Testament in the traditional order – Content (1 p); Preface (6 p);
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Softcover octavo, adhesive binding; VI & 337 pp. Scripture texts in double column verse-wise. Words not in the Greek and OT references (within text) in italics. No further extras.
Ray Geide lets the reader know – with daring words – in his Preface,
»Christians have become comfortable with an incorrect message. They like the way it sounds.(…) They are one hundred percent sure it is right. Some even claim that God wrote their version. But have their checked their version with the Greek text that God did write? No. They do not know Greek, and they refuse to listen to those who do. Ignorance is bliss. The New Testament: Breakthrough Version« is a bull in the Ignorance China shop.«
Geide asserts that words like lord, grace, believe, Christ, worship, gospel, faith, scripture, tabernacle, save, glory, and joy are outdated and so do not mean what readers think they mean.
Geide wants to bring the two worlds of translation methods together: the literal and the dynamic way: »The BV achieves a higher level of accuracy and understandability by making a literal word-for-word translation with the kind of current everyday words that dynamic translations use.« – »The BV translates each Greek word differently: master, owner, mentor, captain, teacher, boss, homeowner, and rabbi. (…) The BV uses the latest technology to ensure that each Greek word is consistently translated. (…) In order to make a translation breakthrough, Bible versions must endure the name calling and step past the correctness barrier. They must dig into the Greek text and find the true meaning. The BV version has done this. Christians need to quit comparing other bible versions the KJV and start comparing the KJV to the original Greek text. The KJV has thousands of problems that need to be fixed. (…) The BV boldly stands with a flashlight pointing readers back to the Greek text.« Further down in his Preface, Geide rejects the textus receptus, compiled by the Catholic Desiderius Erasmus in 1522, the KJV translators used. »The BV is based on the breakthroughs made in the Greek New Testament. (…) The BV uses these breakthroughs to give a new and better understanding of the Bible. It removes the veil that other versions have unknowingly thrown over God and His message for centuries.« So it is clear that a recent UBS or, Nestle / Aland NTG has been used.
Birnbaum‘s remark:
Wandering through his text I first of all check the accuracy by comparing translation to the original text by taking serious his assertion to »bring out nuances in the Greek text«, e.g. in Mat. 2:2, where the Koiné reads two very similar expressions: „apo anatolõn“, and, thereafter, „ en tä anatolä“; Geide translates „from the east“, and, „in the east“. As the first is plural and the second singular, where, then, is the nuance in translation? (It should be „at its rising“!). Secondly, I read Mark 6:25, where the Greek syntax keeps Herod on tenterhooks, which can easily be translated accordingly, „I want / that you might / immediately / give me / on a plate / the head / of John the submerger!“ (emphasis by me). Geide renders it, „I want that you might immediately give me John the submerger‘s head on a plate.“ Not really a breakthrough: the KJV translators did a better job. Geide did, however, resist the temptation to add „Pilate“ to John 19:5, „He said to them, “Look, the Man.“ This is the correct translation; many add here „Pilate said“, which is nowhere to be found in any of the Greek manuscripts.
Another verse which gives reasen to be puzzled is 2 Pet. 3:12; „… as you expect and hurry to the arrival of God‘s day?“ The Greek „speudontas“ is here without „eis“ = towards, to or onto, which would alter the meaning. More appropriate were it to translate, as for instance John Michael Wine in his Etymological NT does, or, Duncan Heaster in the New European Version, „earnestly desiring the coming of the Day…“. A quite interesting rendering we find in Rev. 1:10, where the Greek has, translated word by word, “I became in the spirit in“ (or, “on) the day belonging to the Lord“; Geide writes, „I became a spirit on the Master‘s day“, which I find after a second and intense look much more appropriate than the often given rendering, „it was Sunday and I was in the spirit..“, or, „it was the Lord‘s day and I was worshipping in the spirit.“ – To fulfil his promise of using common everyday words, Geide finds copyists and separatists (scribes and Pharisees), the opponent (Luk 10:18), the Human Son (iso Son of Man), but angels (Mat 16:27, iso messengers or similar) and a „huge“ son in Luk 1:32 iso „great“ which gives the impression of a change of wording under all circumstances. An also quite unusual translation is in Luk 9:19, „Who do the crowds say I am?“ They answered and said, “John the Submerger, and others Elijah, and others that a certain preacher of the original preachers came back to life“ (iso Prophets). What is actually a weakening of the intended meaning is Geide‘s translation of the Greek „epitimaõ“, scold, reprimand, address imperiously“ and not, like in Luke 9:42 and elsewhere „to make sb stop“; here the words of Jesus „the Anointed King“ are made devoid of their authority! Another new interpretation is for example in John 4:22 (and elsewhere), where the Greek „proskyneõ“, usually translated „adore, worship“ is here given as, „bow down and kiss“.
Let me quote in Geide‘s translation what I am proud of according to Ephesians 2:2, ”In the past you (=I) walked around in them in line with the world of this world, in line with the leader of the authority of the air, of the spirit which is now active in the sons of unbelief“ and now hopefully (Rev. 21:3) I will be part of “His ethnic groups…“ Doesn‘ t that sound like politically correct language?