Efren M. Gamboa

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Title: The Hebrew Psalms םיליהת (*) • Psalms
Version by Efren Gamboa
Date: Ⓒ 2012 by Efren Gamboa / 07/13/2012
Publisher: Bloomington IN (U.S.A.): AuthorHouse™
Contents: Psalms Chapter 1 to 150. – “The Testimonies of El Shaddai / The Ten Commandments (English translation). Explanation of “El Shaddai“ (as the true name of God, Isaías 52:6); Ancient names with “EL“ in the pronunciation. Appendix: "About the Author"
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany

Comments: Hardcover large octavo, adhesive binding; XIV, (2) & 224 pp. Scripture text in single column, block wise; Psalm–headings translated, chapter– and verse numbering, no extras.

(*) The Hebrew for »Tehilim« in the title was reversed by mistake by the printers, it should read » תהילים «.

Gamboa contends that the true personal name of God is not YHWH, but EL SHADDAI. YHWH and Jehova are – in Gamboa´s opinion – inventions by men, in this case the Edomites, who took possession of the temple of God 150 years before Christ. Even the Jewish rabbis (recognized as Masorete scholars) failed to realize that YHWH was not the true name of God Creator. The only knew the tradition handed down by Edomites.

Efren M. Gamboa, of Mexican origin and born in San Vicente, Coahila, later took his residence in Midland TX (U.S.A).


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