William Fulke was an Anglican clergyman who undertook the task of refuting the comments made in the notes of the Catholic New Testament printed at Rheims in 1582. His method was to print a parallel version of the Rheims and Bishops’ text. He then printed all the notes from the Rheims version with his own comments and refutations.
One consequence of this book was that the Rheims New Testament became more available in England than it might otherwise have been; and King James’ revisers were influenced by the Rheims New Testament.
First Edition - 1589
Title: The Text of the New Testament of Iesus Christ. With a Confutation by William Fulke. London: Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1589.
Date: 1589
Publisher: Christopher Barker: London
References: Herbert 202
Description: Folio. 524 leaves ([23], 496 leaves, [5] pages), 10¾ × 7½ inches. Roman and italic in various sizes. The Rheims New Testament (1582) and the Bishops’ version (1568) in parallel columns, with Rheims annotations and Fulke’s confutations. Bound in 18th-century brown calfskin, repaired with gilt border; spine gilt, 2 dark red morocco labels.
Location: Cited copy is located at the Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University.
Images: Title page
Recent Sales Christies July 14, 2021 Kenyon Library Collection Sale: 50,000 Pounds Sterling with Buyer's Premium. Converts to $69,283.
Second Edition - 1601
Published by Robert Barker
Title The / Text of the / New Testament / of Iesus Christ, / Translated out of the vulgar Latine by / the Papists of the traiterous Semi- / narie at Rhemes. / With Arguments of Bookes, Chapters, and / Annotations, pretending to discouer the cor- / ruptions of diuers Translations, and to cleare / the controuersies of these dayes. / Whereunto is Added / the Translation out of the Original / Greeke, commonly vsed in the / Church of England, / With / A Confvtation Of All Svch / Arguments, Glosses, and Annotations, as con- / teine manifest Impiety, or Heresie, Treason, and Slander, / against the Catholike Church of God, and the / true Teachers thereof, or the translati-/ ons vsed in the Church of / England. / The Whole Worke, / perused and enlarged in diuers places by / the Authors owne hand before his death, with / sundry Quotations, and Authorities out of Holy / Scriptures, Counsels, Fathers, and / Historie. / More amply then in / the for- / mer Edition. / By W. Fvlke D. in Divinitie. / Imprinted at London / by Robert Barker, Printer to the / Queenes most excellent Majestie. / Anno 1601.
Date 1601
Publisher Robert Barker, London
References Herbert 265, Pope 668 -1, COTTON 221 (text), Chamberlin 535
Images Title page
Contents A parallel New Testament including the Rheims Version of 1582 and the Bishop's Version of 1568. Annotations from the Rheims Version are included and "confuted" by Fulke.
Comments A folio reprint of the 1589 edition.
Recent Sales A copy of this edition sold on Ebay for $1,292.89 on May 12, 2014 (Ebay Item No. 351063195913).
Published by G. Bishop
Title The / Text of the / New Testament / of Iesus Christ, / Translated out of the vulgar Latine by / the Papists of the traiterous Semi- / narie at Rhemes. / With Arguments of Bookes, Chapters, and / Annotations, pretending to discouer the cor-/ ruptions of diuers Translations, and to cleare / the controuersies of these dayes. / Whereunto is Added / the Translation out of the Original / Greeke, commonly vsed in the / Church of England, / With / A Confvtation Of All Svch / Arguments, Glosses, and Annotations, as con- / teine manifest Impiety, or Heresie, Treason, and Slander, / against the Catholike Church of God, and the / true Teachers thereof, or the translati-/ ons vsed in the Church of / England. / The Whole Worke, / perused and enlarged in diuers places by / the Authors owne hand before his death, with / sundry Quotations, and Authorities out of Holy / Scriptures, Counsels, Fathers, and / Historie. / More amply then in / the for- / mer Edition. / By W. Fvlke D. in Divinitie. / Londini / Impensis G. B. / Anno 1601.
Date 1601
Publisher G. Bishop, London
References Herbert 266.
Images Title page
Contents A parallel New Testament including the Rheims Version of 1582 and the Bishop's Version of 1568. Annotations from the Rheims Version are included and "confuted" by Fulke.
Comments A reissue of the above edition with a different publisher's imprint.
Third Edition - 1617
Title The / Text of the / New Testament / of Iesus Christ, / Translated out of the vulgar Latine by / the Papists of the traiterous Se- / minarie at Rhemes. / With Arguments of Bookes, Chapters, and / Annotations, pretending to discouer the corrup- / tions of diuers Translations, and to cleare the / controuersies of these dayes. / Whereunto is Added / the Translation out of the Original / Greeke, commonly vsed in the / Church of England, / With / A Confvtation Of All Svch / Arguments, Glosses, and Annotations, as con- / teine manifest Impiety, or Heresie, Treason, and Slander, / against the Catholike Church of God, and the / true Teachers thereof, or the transla- / tions vsed in the Church of / England. / The Whole Worke, Pervsed, / and enlarged in diuers places by the Au- / thors owne hand before his death, with sundrie / Quotations, and Authorities out of Holy / Scriptures, Counsels, Fathers, and / Historie, more amply then in / the former Editions. / By W. Fvlke D. in Divinitie. / London. / Printed for Thomas Adams. / Anno 1617.
Date 1617
Publisher Thomas Adams, London
References Herbert 359, Pope 668-3, COTTON 221 (text), Chamberlin 535
Contents A parallel New Testament including the Rheims Version of 1582 and the Bishop's Version of 1568. Annotations from the Rheims Version are included and "confuted" by Fulke.
Images Title page
Comments The second folio reprint of the 1589 edition.
Recent Sales A copy sold on Ebay for $1,528.99 on May 11, 2008 (item No. 130220205290).
Fourth Edition - 1633
Title: The Text of the New Testament of Iesus Christ, Translated out of the vulgar Latine by the papists of the traiterous seminarie at Rhemes. With arguments of Bookes, Chapters, and Annotations, pretending to discouer the corruptions of diuers Translations, and to cleare the controuersies of these dayes. Whereunto is added the Translation out of the Original Greeke, commonly vsed in the Church of England: With A confutation of all Such Arguments, Glosses, and Annotations, as conteine manifest impietie, of Heresie, Treason and Slander, against the Catholike Church of God, and the true Teachers thereof, or the Translations used in the Church of England. The Whole Work Pervsed and enlarged in diuers places by the Authors owne hand, before his death, with Sundrie Quotations, and Authorities out of Holy Scriptures, Counsels, Fathers, and Historie. By W. Fulke D. in Diuinitie, Sometimes Mr. of Pembrook Hall in Cambridge. The 4th Edition, wherein are many grosse absuddities Corrected. London Printed by Augustine Mathewes on of the assignes of Hester Ogden. Cum privilegio Regis. 1633
Date: 1633
Publisher: Augustine Mathewes
References: Herbert 480, 202; Chamberlin p. 534-2
Contents: New Testament
Images: Title page, Fulke's portrait
Comments: This a parallel edition of the New Testament of the Rheims and Bishop's New Testament. It reprints the notes of the Rheims New Testament with the comments of William Fulke.
Description:Folio, original calf, newly rebacked and recornered; minor fraying to outer edge of first and last few leaves; text generally crisp. Portrait and engraved title. (58) 912 (13); (4) 25 (1) 206 (2) 17pp