I'm selling Bibles
La Sacra Bibbia a cura di Mons. A. Martini in 2 Volumi formato A4 Edizioni Garzanti – Tavole di G. Dorè (1954) EURO 30,00
Bibbia per la Gioventù (1960) LDC con Imprimatur EURO 10,00
I VANGELI – Traduzione e presentazione di Giovanni Giolo (1997) EURO 3,00
Vangelo secondo Matteo - Traduzione letteraria ecumenica © 2002 Società Biblica Britannica & Forestiera EURO 2,00
Vangelo secondo Giovanni - Traduzione letteraria ecumenica dell'A.D. 2000 © 1999 Società Biblica Britannica & Forestiera EURO 2,00
Il Vangelo (1966) Don Giuseppe Guerini. Con Imprimatur EURO 5,00
Il Santo Vangelo di N. S. Gesù Cristo (1935) C. Borla – C. Testore S. J – S.E.I. EURO 10,00
Il Vangelo e gli Atti degli apostoli. Traduzione dai testi originali di P. Angelico Poppi O. F. M. CONV. VI
Edizione 1971. Edizioni Messaggero Padova. EURO 6,00
Il Vangelo (1957) Assisi – Ed. Pro Civitate Christiana EURO 5,00
Le Parabole Evangeliche (1959) Alfio Giaccaglia – Edizioni Paoline – Bari EURO 2,00
Das Neue Testament – Le Nouveau Testament – Il Nuovo Testamento – The New Testament
(Il Nuovo Testamento in 4 lingue: Tedesco, Francese, Italiano e Inglese) EURO 4,00
II Nuovo Testamento e i Salmi (Ungherese) 1957 EURO 5,00
La Trinità: Verità o Falsità? (2007) 540 pagine (NUOVO) EURO 10,00
The Catholic Bible with the Confraternity text (1961) GOOD COUNSEL PUBLISHING COMPANY
Chicago, Illinois. Edizione LUSSO NUOVA. Contiene Catholic Doctrinal Guide EURO 80,00
EURO 25,00
The Book of Yahweh; The Holy Scriptures by Yisrayl Hawkins (1999) A House of Yahweh Publication
GOD'S WORD (1995) Today's Bible Translation that says what it means. WORD Publishing NUOVA
EURO 30,00
THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language (2002) Eugene H. Peterson. EURO 20,00
Holy Bible, New Living Translation (1996). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. EURO 20,00
TANAKH The Holy Scriptures – The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text (1985) Jewish Publication Society EURO 25,00
The Orthodox New Testament (2000) Holy Apostles Convent. 2 volumi EURO 40,00
The Holy Bible – A Purified Translation. The New Testament (2000) EURO 15,00
God's New Covenant – A New Translation (1989) Heinz W. Cassirer EURO 30,00
The Clear Word. An Expanded Paraphrase (2000) by Jack J. Blanco. EURO 20,00
The Authentic New Testament translated by Hugh J. Schonfield (1958) EURO 20,00
The Jerusalem Bible © 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd and Doubleday &
Company, Inc. EURO 10.00
The Modern Language Bible. The New Berkeley Version in Modern English. Revised Edition
Copyright (1969) Zondervan Publishing House. EURO 30,00
The Holy Bible in the Language of Today – An American Translation (1976) William F. Beck. EURO 20,00
The Revised English Bible (1989) Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press NUOVA
EURO 20,00
The New Testament. A Translation by William Barclay (1969) William Collins Sons & Co. EURO 20,00
Young's Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (1898) Baker Books NUOVA EURO 30,00
Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible (1977) Old and New Testament EURO 25,00
The Holy Bible, New Century Version (1991) Word Publishing EURO 15,00
New Revised Standard Version Bible (1989) With Apocriphal/Deuterocanonical Books EURO 15,00
The New Testament – An Expanded Translation by Kenneth S. Wuest (1961) EURO 10,00
The Promise - Contemporary English Version (1995) Thomas Nelson, Inc. EURO 10,00
The New Testament Letters (1946) J. W. C. Wand Bishop of London EURO 5,00
The New American Bible (1986) With The Revised New Testament (1987) EURO 10,00
The Living Bible (1981) Tyndale House Publishers. EURO 10,00
The New Testament in the Language of the People (1950, 1963) C. B. Williams. EURO 20,00
The Moffatt Translation of the Bible (1987) James Moffatt. NUOVA EURO 30,00
THE COMPLETE BIBLE An American Translation (1935) With the Apocrypha by J. M. Powis Smith &
Edgar J. Goodspeed. The University of Chicago Press EURO 40,00
The New Testament in Modern English (1972) J. B. Phillips EURO 8,00
The Bible in Basic English (1965) Cambridge. EURO 20,00
GOOD NEWS BIBLE, Today's English Version (1992) by American Bible Society. EURO 20,00
The New Testament – A New Translation in Plain English (1952) C. K. Williams EURO 20,00
The Complete Bible in Modern English (1925) Ferrar Fenton. EURO 20,00
The New English Bible (1970) EURO 15,00
New Testament in Modern Speech by R. F. Weymouth D. Lit. (1909) EURO 15,00
New American Standard Bible translation (1977) by The Lockman Foundation EURO 10,00
The Twentieth Century New Testament (1904) A Translation into Modern English. EURO 15,00
The New Testament. The African Bible - Translated from the original by Conor Murphy CSSp. – St Paul Communications Daughters of St Paul. Nairobi (Kenya). Paulines Publications Africa EURO 10,00
The four Gospels. A New Translation by E. V. Rieu (1956) EURO 5,00
New Testament and Psalms of the Holy Bible. Norlie's Simplified New Testament. In Plain English
– for Today's Reader. A new translation from the Greek by Olaf M. Norlie, Ph. D. EURO 20,00
The New Testament in Everyday English. Copyright 1979 by Jay E. Adams. EURO 20,00
Twenty-four books of the Holy Scriptures. Carefully translated after the best
Jewish Authorities by Isaac Leeser. EURO 60,00
Holman Christian Standard Bible (2003) EURO 15,00
Holy Bible – Revised Version (1903) Oxford EURO 30,00
New Life Study Testament (1978) G. H. Ledyard EURO 15,00
My Book. - God. Good News Translation (2001) (NUOVA) EURO 9,00
New King James Version EURO 3,00
New American Standard Bible – Update Edition (1995) EURO 10,00
New American Bible (1991) EURO 10,00
The New Jerusalem Bible (Pocket edition) 1990 con Glossario NUOVA EURO 8,00
The Holy Bible – New International Version (Come nuova) EURO 10,00
God's Word - New Testament & Psalms (1995) EURO 3,00
The New Testament - Authorized King James Version EURO 2,00
The Gospel of St. John - Authorised Version EURO 0,50
New Life Study New Testament Translated by Gleason H. Ledyard EURO 2,50
Good News New Testament – Today's English Version EURO 3,00
New Testament – King James Version EURO 2,00
The New International Version – New Testament and Psalms EURO 2,00
New Age Bible Versions. An Exhaustive Documentation Exposing The Message, Men and Manuscripts Moving Mankind To The Antichrist's One World Religion – The New Case against the NIV, NASB, NKJV, NRSV, NAB, REB, RSV, CEV, TEV, GNB, LIVING, PHILLIPS, NEW JERUSALEM, & NEW CENTURY EURO 8,00
La Sainte Bible (1908) L. Segond et H. Oltramare. EURO 70,00
La Sainte Bible (1820) David Martin. EURO 50,00
La Bible (1981) Pierre de Beaumont © Fayard - Mame, 1981. EURO 30,00
La Bible de Jérusalem © Éditions du Cerf, Paris 1955 EURO 25,00
La Bible - Nouvelle Traduction – La Bible (2001) EURO 15,00
"Parole Vivante", transcription du Nouveau Testament par Alfred Kuen (1976) Editeurs de Littérature
Biblique, Braine – l'Alleud, Belgique. EURO 15,00
Louanges pour notre temps, transcription rythmée des psaumes par Alfred Kuen 1980 Editeurs de
Littérature Biblique, Braine – l'Alleud, Belgique. EURO 8,00
Sagesse et poésie pou notre temps – L'Ecclésiaste, Job, Cantique de Cantiques et les Proverbes transcription par Alfred Kuen (1982) Editeurs de Littérature Biblique, Braine – l'Alleud, Belgique. EURO 10,00
Le Nouveau Testament (1869) D. Martin EURO 20,00
Parole de Vie. Nouveau Testament traduit en français fondamental © Société biblique française, 1993.
EURO 5,00
La Sainte Bible (1905) Abbé A. Crampon. Chanoine d'Amiens. EURO 35,00
La Bible. Votre Bible. F. Amiot, C. Augrain, L. Neveu, D. Sesboüé, R. Tamisier (1982) EURO 20,00
La Sainte Bible (1877) Version de J. F. Ostervald. EURO 40,00
La Sainte Bible du Chanoine CRAMPON. A. Crampon & L. Tricot (1952) EURO 40,00
La Bible du Semeur (1992) Société Biblique Internationale EURO 20,00
La Sainte Bible (1963) Moines de Maredsous. EURO 15,00
Le Nouveau Testament (1956) F.-M. Braun - D. Buzy – R. Leconte – L. Marchal EURO 10,00
Traduction Œcuménique de la Bible. Nouvelle édition revue (1988) Société biblique française & Éditions du Cerf EURO 15,00
La Sainte Bible (1971) Version Synodale. Société Biblique Auxiliaire du Canton de Vaud. EURO 40,00
La Sainte Bible (1951) L. Pirot et A. Clamer EURO 25,00
La Bible (1956) Ancient Testament, (Pentateuco e Libri Storici) E. Dhorme Librairie Gallimard, 1956 EURO 10,00
Nouveau Testament (1971) Grosjean – Léturmy. EURO 30,00
La Sainte Bible. Nouvelle Version Segond Révisée (1978) EURO 10,00
La Sainte Bible. Nouvelle Édition publiée sous la direction de S. Ém. le Cardinal Liénart by La Bible pour tous 1956 – Paris. EURO 20,00
Les. Evangiles, les quatre. Nouvelle traduction par sœur Jeanne D'Arc EURO 10,00
Le Nouveau Testament (1937) P. Buzy EURO 10,00
La Sainte Bible (1903) Le Maistre de Saci. EURO 25,00
Nouveau Testamente et Psaumes – Traduction Liturgique de la Bible (1993) Brepols EURO 15,00
Le Nouveau Testament (1855) J. P. Lallemant EURO 20,00
Nueva Biblia Española (1976) Luis Alonso Schökel y Juan Mateos – EDICIONES CRISTIANDAD, S. L. EURO 25,00
La Biblia – La Casa de la Biblia (1992) EURO 20,00
Biblia de Jerusalén (1966) José Ángel Ubieta. Editorial Desclée De Brouwer EURO 20,00
Biblia del Peregrino (1993) Luis Alonso Schökel. Conferencia Episcopal Española EURO 20,00
NOU TESTAMENT – Traducciò Interconfessional (1986) Associaciò Biblica de Catalunya – Editorial
Claret – Fundaciò Biblica Evangèlica de Catalunya – Societats Bibliques Unides EURO 5,00
Sagrada Biblia (1992) P. José Miguel Petisco de la Compañía de Jesús. Dispuesta y Publicada por el
ILMO. SR.D. Félix Torres Amat © Editorial Alfredo Ortells EURO 20,00
Sagrada Biblia. Eloíno Nácar Fuster y Alberto Colunga, O. P. Trigesima Septima Edicion. Biblioteca de
Autores Cristianos, de La Editorial Católica, S. A. Madrid 1985. EURO 15,00
El Libro del Pueblo de Dios (1992) A. J. Levoratti y A. B. Trusso, 7. a edición. EURO 20,00
La Biblia al Dia, Nuevo Testamento (1979) EURO 10,00
La Santa Biblia. Revisión de 1960 Reina – Valera © 1960 Sociedades Bíblicas en América Latina.
EURO 15,00
Nuevo Testamento –Traducciòn Interconfesional – Segunda edición. © Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, La Casa de la Biblia, Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas. EURO 10,00
Nueva Biblia de Jerusalén (1999) Nueva edición revisada y aumentada © Editorial Desclée De
Brouwer, S. A.. 1999 EURO 15,00
Nuevo Testamento. Traduccion de los Textos Originales por el P. Felipe de Fuenterrabía, ofmc.
23a edición © Editorial Verbo Divino. Estella 1961. EURO 10,00
Nuevo Testamento (1961) A.F.E.B.E. Associacion para el fomento de los estudios Bìblicos en Espana
EURO 10,00
Sagrada Biblia. Versión de los padres Pedro Franquesa y José M. Solé, Misioneros Claretianos. 9.a Edición © Editorial Regina 1966 EURO 15,00
La Biblia del Diario Vivir. Evangelio de Juan (1997) Con molte e ampie note EURO 1,50
A Bíblia Viva. 8a Edição. Living Bibles International. EURO 15,00
A Sagrada Bíblia (1968) João Ferreira de Almeida - Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas. EURO 15,00
La Bíblia na Linguagem de Hoje (1973) EURO 20,00
Bíblia Sagrada. Difusora Bíblica (Missionários Capuchinhos). 15.A Edição (1991) EURO 20,00
Bíblia Sagrada (1989) Matos Soares - PAULUS – São Paulo, 1989. EURO 20,00
Bíblia Sagrada - A Boa Nova. Tradução interconfessional do hebraico, do aramaico e do greco em portoguês corrente. Edição da Difusora Bíblica (Franciscanos Capuchinhos) 1993 - Sociedade Bíblica de Portugal. EURO 20,00
Bíblia Pastoral. Ivo Storniolo y Euclides Martins Balancin - 1990 Sociedade Bíblica Católica Internacional 1993, SÃO PAULO (Edições Paulistas) EURO 20,00
Novo Testamento (1982) Traducao Fr. Mateus Hoepers O.F.M. Editora VozesLtda. EURO 3,50
Scritture Greche Cristiane, ebr., di F. Delitzsch, Londra, ed. 1981. EURO 15,00
Scritture Greche Cristiane, ebr., di Isaac Salkinson e C. D. Ginsburg, Londra, 1891. EURO 15,00
Scritture Greche Cristiane, ebr., United Bible Societies, Gerusalemme, 1979. EURO 15,00
Where to find it in the Bible - The Ultimate A to Z resourse. Fully illustrated. EURO 10,00
TO over 3.700 Contemporary Topics (1996) Ken Anderson
The NIV Matthew Henry Commentary (1992)
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