As I'm new to this biblewiki, I'd like to introduce myself to the forum: My name is Simon Birnbaum from near Karlsruhe, Germany. Since 1984 I collect Bibles in German, English, Hebrew and Greek. In 2008 I decided to put my collection in form of an archive into the Internet ( and, lately as a successor, So I'm sharing quite the same passion as biblewiki does - just in some other form and with different accents.
As my father presented to me an English New Testament already when I was a child, I got acquainted with this sort of literature from my early years on and later started collecting Bibles (also) in English.
Earlier today I filled in the templates for two new entries: The 1870 copy of Henry Alford's NT and Fr. Lazarus' Holy Psalter from the Septuagint (1966). As I've never done this before, I hope the template-entries work. Scans of the these first two entries I've e-mailed to the webmaster.
As I could read, there's at least another contributor from Germany - I'd appreciate to get some more infos from him! Thanks & blessings! Simon
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