Michael Forster

Click here for sample verses from "The One All-Age Bible"



Title: The One All–Age Bible ⚫ Gospels: Matthew – Mark – Luke – John 

Date: Ⓒ 2003
 Michael Forster
Publisher: Stowmarket, Suffolk. England (U.K.): Kevin Mayhew
Contents: Gospels > Matthew – Mark – Luke – John. Foreword (2 pp), General Introduction to the Gospels (2 pp). Glossary (23 pp), Index (6 pp), Select bibliography (1 p)
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany

Comments: Paperback octavo, 400 pp., sewn binding.
Scripture text in single column with running text, paragraphed. Route Planner for each Gospel. Paragraph headlines and comments; annotations and cross references in footnotes. Chapter numbering set, verse counting in groups.
M. Forster paraphrased the text in contemporary, engaging language which is a pleasure to read. On the one hand the genealogies are abbreviated, on the other hand he refuses to skip the Mark- ending (16:9-20), and he includes the „adulterous woman“ - story (John 7:53 - 8:11), thanking God that it has been preserved. Though paraphrased, this vibrant new interpretation is in some ways more true to the Greek than other experts´ translations.



Title: The One All–Age Bible ⚫ Acts. After the man – the mission
Date: Ⓒ 2004
 Michael Forster
Publisher: Stowmarket, Suffolk. England (U.K.): Kevin Mayhew
Columbia MO (U.S.A.): Kingsgate Publishing

Contents: The Acts of the Apostles. Foreword (2 pp), Introduction (2 pp), Select bibliography (1 p)

Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany

Comments: Paperback octavo, adhesive binding, 112 pp.
Scripture text of this "thoroughly modern version" in single column with running text, paragraphed. Paragraph headlines and comments; annotations and cross references in footnotes. Chapter numbering set, verse counting in groups.


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